The new normal

by: Sam Webb
October 21 2009
tags: Commentary, Economy, Recession

Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase are back to the "old normal."
Profits are soaring - $3.2 billion and $3.6 billion respectively in
the third quarter. Bonuses of $23 billion (yes, I got it right -
23,000,000,000 bucks) are in the pipeline for their managers and
traders.  Their field of competitors has thinned. And these leeches
have morphed from "too big to fail" to "much too big" to fail.

In the meantime, the rest of us are fast-forwarding to the "new
normal." Let me explain.

A year ago the old model of capitalist accumulation (profit making)
and right-wing political governance, resting on the rise of finance,
mountains of debt, record levels of inequality, unsustainable global
economic imbalances, and successive bubbles in real and fictitious
assets came crashing down - not with a whimper, but with a bang that
triggered an economic tsunami.

The U.S economy imploded, throwing people out of their jobs and homes,
closing family farms, evaporating pension funds and savings,
shuttering more plants and factories, and devastating cities and
towns. Much the same occurred elsewhere in the world.

A complete collapse of the economy was dodged, but the crisis was the
worst since the Great Depression and isn't yet over. Unemployment
levels, for example, are still rising. Reliable forecasts have
joblessness climbing to nearly 11 percent officially in the United

Moreover, the prospects for a quick and robust recovery seem dim. Some
economists, including mainstream thinkers, argue that economic
stagnation is just as likely as a vigorous recovery.

In their view, the economy could operate at sub-normal levels in terms
of growth, capacity utilization, employment, and income for an
extended period of time. Or to put it differently, the tendencies
toward stagnation are stronger than the tendencies toward full

Interestingly, this insight isn't new:

"It is an outstanding characteristic of the economic system in which
we live that ... it seems capable of remaining in a chronic condition
of sub-normal activity for a considerable period without any marked
tendency either towards recovery or towards complete collapse."

The author is British economist John Maynard Keynes, the quote is from
his masterpiece, "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and
Money", and the year is 1936. Keynes' insight, however, fell out of
favor among traditional economists with the resumption of vigorous
growth in the core capitalist countries following WW II.

Ironically, it was Marxist economists, and especially Paul Sweezy and
Harry Magdoff, who further theorized this dynamic of U.S. capitalism
during this period.

But in the wake of the present economic crisis, Keynes' notion of
long-term sub-par economic performance is reentering the mainstream
dialogue, but clothed with a new name - "the new normal."

In the "new normal" universe, conditions for a fresh round of capital
accumulation and economic growth exist on the supply side of the
equation. Because of the depth and scale of the current downturn,
inefficient plant, equipment, and businesses have been destroyed, a
plentiful pool of unemployed wage labor is now available, the price of
labor power (wages/salaries) is cheaper, interest rates are low, and
economic power is further concentrated and centralized in the hands of
fewer industrial, service and financial corporations.

But on the demand side of the equation, conditions for accumulation
(profit making) are far less favorable. Demand (consumption and
investment, domestic and global), and again because of the economic
crisis (evaporation of wealth, layoffs, foreclosures, wage implosion,
mountains of debt to be paid off, etc.) is insufficient relative to
the productive capacity of the global economy. And there are many
reasons to think that this will not change in the near or medium term.

Indeed, it is hard to see where the new dynamism to power economic
growth, employment, research, and broadly shared income gains will
come from other than a government financed and directed economic
development project. Such a project should be sustainable, green,
maximize worker and community input and decision making, and dynamic
enough to give a growth impulse to the whole economy.

An obvious objection that will arise among friends, as well as foes,
is that the federal deficit is out of control now and a project of
this size goes way beyond the scope of government and would represent
a massive intrusion into people's lives.

The federal deficit is at record levels and there are dangers to be
sure, but nothing as big as the danger (and costs) of long-term
stagnation to the American people. Moreover, some of the financing
could come from a reduction in the military budget and a shift of
taxes to Wall Street and corporations.

As for government intrusion, federally directed development could
encourage municipal and regional authorities to plan and organize
major projects as well as channel investment dollars to small and
medium sized businesses and worker/community cooperatives.

Whether a developmental project like this sees the light of day
depends only in a small way on its feasibility and necessity. In a
larger sense it rests on which of the competing sides (there are more
than two on the political landscape) are able to frame the national
conversation and win active popular majorities to its vision.

At this moment, political strength, moral authority, and public
opinion tilts in the direction of the new administration and the
broader movement that elected him, but not to the extent that it is
able to win such radical economic reforms, assuming for the moment
that everyone sees their necessity.

That task lies ahead.

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