From: Al Gore

When a clean energy economy finally becomes a reality in America,
people will look back to the day that together, you and I launched The
Repower America Wall.

The Wall is a place where literally thousands and thousands of people
committed to a revolutionary new energy future for our nation and the
world are coming together -- to express our hopes, share our resolve,
and step up to a leadership role in building a grassroots movement for
change like nothing America has ever seen. It's an opportunity for you
to be part of the climate movement in a new way, in a way that takes
us beyond ourselves.

By asking people from all over the country to share their thoughts and
images on the Wall, we are fueling a campaign that brings together the
power of national media with the strength and connection of
on-the-ground organizing in a way that no one has ever done before.
Your voice, and the voices of your friends, neighbors and colleagues,
will become the language of our campaign on TV, in print, on
billboards, online, and in brand new ways that you will help us invent
as we create the Wall.

We know that the political will to transition America to a clean
energy economy already exists. You are part of it. But now we must
make sure our leaders know it too. The Wall will become our collective
voice and thus transform the debate into action.

It's an ambitious strategy -- and it has to be.

Nothing short of every one of us joined together is needed to overcome
the resistance of the powerful special interests blocking our path to
a clean energy future, settling for the dangerous status quo.

But the time for politics is over. We have the power to force change
in America.

Together, you and I will use the Wall as the foundation for all of our
activism in the days and weeks ahead.

But first, I need you to meet me at the Wall.

Share your voice on The Repower America Wall right now.

The Wall is a revolutionary approach to standing up for what we
believe in -- for what our country needs. It combines the power of
your voice with the force of a multi-media campaign, to build a
collective call for change so loud it's undeniable.

The messages you and many thousands of others leave at the Wall are
the tidal wave that will break on Washington, and put us on the path
to victory.

Our grassroots organizers in the states will use the Wall -- your Wall
-- as proof that all of our friends and neighbors are as committed to
clean energy as we are -- that we are joined together in this

Content shared on the Wall will be used to create ads and other forms
of communication that will go directly to your elected officials so
that everywhere they look they will see the very people they
represent, their constituents, calling for action now on clean energy
-- in the local newspaper, on television, on billboards, on the radio,
and on important local and national websites. There will be no place
to hide. The Wall will be everywhere.

When our opponents throw roadblocks in our way, we'll gather at the
Wall to fight back.

And when key decisions are at hand, we'll light up the Wall to let
politicians who side with powerful interests against clean energy do
so at their own peril.

The time to demand a clean energy future for America is now. But we
must stand together. Unless we do everything in our power to make our
voices heard, the change we seek will not happen.

Stand up and be a part of the generation that makes future generations
proud -- join the movement and share your voice on The Repower America
Wall today.

This is just the beginning. Next week we will take this campaign to
the airwaves with new Repower America national television ads
featuring real messages from the Wall. By acting now to share your own
personal message on the Repower America Wall, you can insure that you
were there at the start.

What you and I do today will determine everything about our country's
future and the world our children will inherit. The time for action is
right now and the cause deserves your best efforts.

If you want to win and insure our clean energy future, I'll see you at
the Wall.

Together we can make this happen.

Thank you,

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