I should point out that many
conservative economists would
agree with the portion of Paddy's
piece down below.  Right-wing critics
of Keynes (both in his day and
our own) argued that attempts
to deal with economic downturns
through the loosening of fiscal
and monetary policy would most
likely result in inflation rather
than in renewed economic growth.
Such were the arguments of critics
like Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig 
von Mises. They, of course, did not
use that to argue for the abolition
of capitalism.

Jim Farmelant

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Paddy Hackett" <rashe...@eircom.net>
To: <marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu>
Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] The SWP and underconsumptionism
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 09:50:38 -0000

In an economic crash when profitability has falling artificially increasing
demand cannot solve the problem. Printing more paper money as a means of
increasing consumer demand abjectly under downturn economics. The result is
merely inflation. The more paper that is injected into the economy the more
inflation rises. Rising inflation means that real demand has not increased.

On the other hand if the government can freely borrow money as a means of
making up for the budget deficit then the upshot is that crashes are
superfluous. If this argument is correct then the conclusion is that not
excessive credit, but the lack of it, is the cause of the current crash in
Ireland. Borrowing, credit, is now the panacea for all economic ills. This
being so capital need no longer be concerned over both rising wages and
costs. Class struggle is thereby rendered unnecessary and the objective
conditions necessary for communism cease to exist.

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