CeJ jannuzi

The Obama administration ought to give each household 1000 dollars and
cut the military budgets by 500 billion dollars, starting NOW. That
would do it. Of course, there would be a mlitary coup in answer to it
(most likely with ironmaiden Clinton taking charge of things with Gen.
Gates in a junta). But if that didn't happen, then the Obamaites ought
to apologize to Iraqis in order to avoid war reparations and use the
savings to provide health care and adequate nutrition to all
Americans. Then I would be all for war crimes trials for Bush Cheney
Rice etc. Seeing how much dignity they brought to the lynching of
Saddam Hussein, Bush etc. could be executed on pay-per-view TV, with
the profits going toward the national debt.

Oops. I'm letting my fantasies carry me away. The real outrageous
fantasy comes in saying that Obama would ever do such a thing as cut
the military budgets. I'm glad the boys at the Pentagon taught him how
to salute the gyrines and flyboys who ferry him around. It makes it
look like he really is in charge in DC.


CB: Just a general observation on Obama and the Obama administration
doing things:  Notice that a President has to get Congress to pass
stuff to do any major move, and that there are enough rightwing Dems
to thwart any major progressive moves.  I know the left Obama
skeptics/haters love to ignore this in order to blame Obama for
betraying/failing the left and say I told you so , but...

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