Barrage Obushwa thinks him getting elected was winning on a populist issue.
In a way that is true. However, he seems to lack much grasp of how to
manipulate populist issues that are in play, unless the objective is to
look like he is doing something while actually quashing the issue.
Iraq war--continue the occupation. Afghan war--expand the occupation.
Reappoint Bernanke??--Reappoint Bernanke.  Reestablish Glass-Steagall--
So we don't have to reestablish Glass-Steagall.

And then there is the example, the public option in health care
coverage. Make it so
awfully done, everyone rejects health care reform. The only agreement
they got was how
to use federal subsidies to expand the profits of HMOs and
pharmaceuticals for a few
more years.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 57%
oppose the plan if it doesn't include a government-run health
insurance plan to compete with private insurers.

New Poll Shows Tremendous Support for Public Health Care Option
Bernie Horn's picture

By Bernie Horn

June 15, 2009 - 11:24am ET
Popular This Week

The New Democratic Nonsense
by Robert Borosage
January 20, 2010
Poll Shouts The Message Massachusetts Voters Were Sending
by Isaiah J. Poole
January 20, 2010


Eighty-three percent of Americans favor and only 14 percent oppose
“creating a new public health insurance plan that anyone can purchase”
according to EBRI, a conservative business research organization. This
flatly contradicts conservatives’ loudest attack against President
Obama’s plan to provide quality, affordable health care for all.

The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) calls itself “the most
authoritative and objective source of information” on the issues of
employee retirement and health benefits. Founded in 1978, EBRI says it
“is the gold standard for private analysts and decision makers,
government policymakers, the media, and the public.” And EBRI is
funded by many of the largest corporations in America.

EBRI’s biggest donors include: AT&T, Bank of America, Boeing, General
Dynamics, General Mills, IBM, JBMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Northop
Grumman, Schering-Plough, Schwab, T.Rowe Price, UBS Financial, and
Wal-Mart. EBRI also receives large contributions from the insurance
industry, including: Blue Cross Blue Shield, CIGNA, Hartford, Kaiser
Permanente, Massachusetts Mutual, Metropolitan Life, Union Labor Life,
and UnitedHealth.

Here’s who paid for the poll, as stated by EBRI:

    This survey was made possible with support from AARP, American
Express, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Buck Consultants,
Chevron, Deere & Company, IBM, Mercer, National Rural Electric
Cooperative Association, Principal Financial Group, Schering-Plough
Corp., Shell Oil Company, The Commonwealth Fund, and Towers Perrin.

So clearly, no one can accuse this organization of being “liberal” on
health care issues.

These findings are from EBRI’s 2009 Health Confidence Survey, their
12th annual poll:

    Do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or
strongly oppose the following:

    Creating a new public health insurance plan that anyone can purchase:
    • Strongly support—53 percent
    • Somewhat support—30 percent
    • Somewhat oppose—5 percent
    • Strongly oppose—9 percent

    Having national rules requiring insurance companies to cover all
people, regardless of their health problems:
    • Strongly support—55 percent
    • Somewhat support—25 percent
    • Somewhat oppose—9 percent
    • Strongly oppose—9 percent

    Expanding government programs, such as Medicare or Medicaid:
    • Strongly support—45 percent
    • Somewhat support—30 percent
    • Somewhat oppose—9 percent
    • Strongly oppose—12 percent

    Requiring all employers to pay toward subsidized health insurance
for employees:
    • Strongly support—42 percent
    • Somewhat support—33 percent
    • Somewhat oppose—10 percent
    • Strongly oppose—12 percent

    Requiring everyone to participate in some kind of health insurance plan:
    • Strongly support—38 percent
    • Somewhat support—30 percent
    • Somewhat oppose—13 percent
    • Strongly oppose—16 percent

Despite clear public support for these provisions—all of which are
likely to be in the Democrats’ health care reform
legislation—conservatives won’t go along. The biggest battle right now
is over the public plan option. As commentator Al Hunt points out:

    Although almost half of Americans are already covered by a public
health plan, inclusion of a government option is a deal-killer for
most Republicans and [some] Democrats…

The Congressional Progressive Caucus says it is a deal-killer if the
public option is left out of the health care reform legislation. Get
ready for a titanic tug of war.

There was another new health care poll in the news today, this one by
Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg. Although the specifics aren’t yet
released, he talks about his polling in the New Republic. I point it
out because it echoes two important points I made last week in a
somewhat controversial post called “Why Not Single-Payer?”

I said “About 3/4ths of insured Americans are satisfied with their
health insurance.” Greenberg says: “Yet three-quarters are satisfied
with their own health insurance.”

I said “When Americans hear about a health care proposal, they
immediately think “how is it going to affect me and my family.” That’s
their overarching, overwhelming concern.” Greenberg says when Clinton
proposed his plan, “people responded personally, working to figure out
what it all meant for them—the impact on their family, access to their
doctors, dollars and cents, and on everything they’d done to become
satisfied with their health care.”

Some readers commented that they simply didn't believe the polling I
cited in "Why Not Single-Payer?" It is natural for all of us—myself
included—to seek out polls that support our side and disregard
contrary polling results. But please understand that President Obama
and progressive health care advocates have access to so much polling
on this issue; they are not picking-and-choosing the polls they like.
They are making clear-headed decisions in an effort to get the very
best health care plan that can possibly be enacted by Congress this

Public opinion
Further information: Public opinion on health care reform in the United States

A poll from November 10 and 11 by Angus Reid Public Opinion found that
52% of Americans supported a public plan. Their research had a 3.1%
margin of error.[32]

Between October 28 and November 13, 2009, Democratic Senator Dick
Durbin's campaign organization polled Americans to rank their support
for various forms of the "public option" currently under consideration
by Congress for inclusion in the final health care reform bill. The
83,954 respondents assigned rankings of 0 to 10. A full national
option had the most support, with a 8.56 average, while no public
option was least favored, with a 1.10 average.[33]

On October 27th, journalist Ray Suarez of The News Hour with Jim
Lehrer stated that "Public opinion researchers say the tide has been
shifting over the last several weeks, and now is not spectacularly,
but solidly in favor of a public option."[34]

A Pew Research Center report published in October 8 stated that 55% of
Americans favor a government health insurance plan to compete with
private plans. The results were very similar to their polling from
July, which found 52% support.[35] A USA Today/Gallup survey described
by a USA Today article on October 27 found that 50% of Americans
supported a government plan proposal and 46% do not.[36]

In a poll in which the data were gathered on August 19, 2009 Survey
USA estimated that the majority of Americans (77%) feel that it is
either "Quite Important" or "Extremely Important" to "give people a
choice of both a public plan administered by the federal government
and a private plan for their health insurance." When asked to choose
between three statements about a "public health plan administered by
the federal government", a 46% plurality chose "... patients might not
always have access to their choice of doctors and the government would
lower costs by limiting medical treatment options and decisions that
should be made instead by patients and doctors."[37]

A Rasmussen Reports poll taken on August 17-18 stated that 57% of
Americans support a public option.[38] A NBC News/Wall Street Journal
poll, conducted August 15-17, found that 47% of Americans opposed the
idea of a public option and 43% expressed support.[39]

A July survey by Quinnipiac University found that 28% of Americans
would like to purchase a public plan while 53% would prefer to have a
private plan. It also stated that 69% would support its creation in
the first place.[40]

A survey published on July 17, 2009 by Rasmussen Reports found that
50% of Americans opposed and 35% supported the creation of a
government health insurance company. The survey presented the option
as “the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and
congressional Democrats.” [41]

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