Response to State of the Union address:
We cannot be silent

By Benjamin Todd Jealous
NNPA Guest Commentary

President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address is a testimony to
the power of we:  We, who dared to dream breaking the centuries-old
color barrier at the White House was possible; we, who continue to
fight for expanding voting rights; we, who battle tirelessly every
election to maximize voter participation and minimize voter
intimidation.  His first State of the Union address is a paean to
those who have joined together throughout history to change our
country for the better.

We are in crisis today.  The greed of fat-cat bankers has unleashed a
torrent of predatory lending and a trickle of permanent loan
modifications that together are turning homeowners into the homeless.
The unemployment rate for Americans of all colors is over 10 percent,
Black and Brown American unemployment hovers above 15 percent.  The
jobless rate among African American men in many cities is over 50
percent.  Approximately 50 million Americans lack health insurance.
More than 50 million people in America — disproportionately children —
don’t get enough to eat.

The President unveiled new polices to support working  families.  He
reiterated his commitment to rein in some of the worst excesses of
Wall Street, and pledged his enduring dedication to bring health care
to millions of uninsured Americans.   He expressed his forceful and
compassionate commitment to the people of Haiti — a swift,
comprehensive response to the human tragedy that stands in stark
contrast to his predecessor’s reaction to the thousands victimized by
Hurricane Katrina.

President Obama outlined the right agenda — one that is pro civil
rights, pro human dignity, and pro the American Dream for every
American.  However, he cannot do it without us.

Predatory banks, profit-driven health-care CEOs, and those big
business leaders who would see our country and our families go
bankrupt before they would pay their own way (or even a living wage)
are committed to funding a fierce battle for the status quo. The
Supreme Court, still dominated by those who helped steal the election
in 2000 and their protégés, has unleashed unlimited amounts of
corporate dollars into the political landscape with its ruling this
month on campaign finance reform.   President Obama has vowed to
fight.  He has pledged to reverse the worst impact of the Supreme
Court decision. Yet without each of us fully engaged, loads of greedy
multi-national corporate treasure will be used to crush his agenda and
those who support it for simply daring to do the people’s will.

Still we can win. Organized people ultimately trump organized money.

But without you and all your friends and neighbors back on the
battlefield, sowing and reaping the power of we, there is no guarantee
progress will continue.  Like every great wave, the one that made it
possible for a Black family to live in the White House must be
regenerated, or it ebbs. More importantly, our communities’ and
families’ fates, which are in perilous condition, will ebb with it.

We can be proud of the progress President Obama has made  —
implementing policies to stem massive job losses, extending health
care coverage to millions of children, stabilizing the economy,
increasing women’s ability to ensure fair treatment in the workplace,
rebuilding the Justice Department and EEOC’s ability to protect
Americans’ basic rights, and restoring our nation’s ability to protect
its food and water. These are our victories.

Some argue that our president has not pushed hard enough for the
change we need. But just as this Administration’s greatest
accomplishments lies in the hands of the idealists and organizers, so
too must we claim the shortcomings.

In too many instances in the past 12 months we have powered down, left
the field for the bleachers, and chosen to play armchair pundit rather
than continue to build and lead.   If our president is not bold
enough, it is up to us to build the next wave for bolder action.

The great Frederick Douglass once said, “If there is no struggle there
is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate
agitation … want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain
without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful
roar of its many waters. ... Power concedes nothing without a demand.
It never did and it never will.”

We cannot be silent.  The change we seek is in our hands.

Benjamin Todd Jealous is President and CEO of the NAACP

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