Africa, Nature, and the March of the Development Technocrats
by Jason Hickel

"Development," I've discovered, operates as a flagrantly racist
discourse in some guises.  Scrambling to explain the reasons for
Africa's perpetual poverty and apparently incurable misery,
laypersons in the West point to Africans' "savagery" and alleged
incapacity for civilization.  This is not just a fringe opinion;
even among putatively educated individuals such nonsense recurs
with disturbing frequency.

In an attempt to defend Africa and Africans against the cancerous
ignorance that this model propagates, a collection of more
thoughtful intellectuals and development theorists -- Jared
Diamond and Jeffrey Sachs among them -- have proposed an
alternative, more liberal-minded approach to understanding
Africa's difficulties.  Instead of blaming underdevelopment on the
presumed genetic inferiority of black people, they insist instead
that we cast our critical gaze to nature -- to the environmental
conditions that Africans inhabit.

In development circles the theory is known as environmental
determinism, and it attempts to explain persistent poverty in
Africa as the consequence of material forces outside the realm of
human agency that have made it difficult for Africa to develop,
suggesting that Africa's climate, geology, and natural resource
portfolio has ultimately determined its economic trajectory.
Compared to the racist assumptions that infuse popular
pontifications about African underdevelopment, environmental
determinism seems like a breath of progressive fresh air.  But a
closer look shows that, while it avoids victim-blaming, it still
smuggles in a number of insidious claims that connive to direct
attention away from the real issues at stake.

Before getting to the critique, let's deal with the theory on its
own terms.  Environmental determinism looks as far back into the
geological past as the breakup of Gondwana -- the ancient
supercontinent -- to show that plate tectonics conspired to grant
Africa a coastline with few natural harbors and a gradient too
steep to allow easy river transportation, making regional
integration difficult.  In addition, the relatively older age of
Africa's geological profile means that its topsoils have been
weathered to the point of deep depletion, rendering most
ecological zones unsuitable for productive agriculture.

The notorious Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) also makes a
strong appearance in the arguments of environmental determinists.
 This unique weather pattern pits dry continental winds against
wet oceanic winds to create an annual precipitation cycle that
oscillates between two dramatically different seasons: rainy and
dry.  The rainy season is characterized by concentrated downpours,
and the dry by often extreme drought.  The result: flash floods,
cutting erosion, and topsoil degeneration that further militates
against sustained agricultural pursuits.

Furthermore, the ITCZ weather pattern produces an environment in
which a number of tropical diseases flourish, among them malaria,
sleeping sickness, river blindness, and schistosomiasis.  As the
pathogens responsible for these devastating diseases gravitate
toward verdant, well-watered areas, they render some of the
otherwise most arable land hostile to human settlement.  The
two-season weather cycle also militates against settled
agriculture in certain regions, necessitating nomadism or regular
migrancy to urban centers, rendering peasants vulnerable to the
dictates of a violent labor market and creating ideal conditions
for HIV transmission.

And so it goes -- a litany of arguments that prove that Africa's
problems are not necessarily the fault of Africans, but the
inevitable outcome of nature's capricious designs.  But while its
observations are not untrue, as a standalone theory of
underdevelopment, environmental determinism has some serious

First, the obvious objections.  The correlation between
environment and development is indeterminate; there are many
regions in the world with hostile geological and climactic
characteristics that have nonetheless managed to keep from
descending into inveterate poverty.  Second, the theory focuses on
what Africa lacks rather than what Africa has, that being -- among
other things -- vast natural resource wealth in the form of
unprecedented petroleum reserves and mineral deposits.  The
question should not be what to do in the absence of resources, but
how existing resources get used, how they are distributed, and who
pockets the profits.

In these terms, it becomes clear that environmental determinism
completely elides both history and politics.  It elides history by
ignoring past European involvement with Africa through the slave
trade, colonialism, and resource extraction.  It elides politics
in that it ignores the present relations of power -- African,
American, Chinese, and European -- that continue to develop the
continent's resources in the interests of some while marginalizing
others, through debt-manipulation, structural adjustment, and
neoliberal trade arrangements.

Because environmental determinism posits an ahistorical and
apolitical analysis of the problem, it lends itself naturally to
solutions that ignore how inequalities have been and continue to
be generated out of the capitalist world system.  We're led to
believe, for example, that a massive infusion of aid and modern
technology to improve agriculture, basic health, education, power,
and sanitation will help clear the hurdles posed by a hostile
natural world.  As Jeffrey Sachs (author of the popular messianic
treatise The End of Poverty) and other development technocrats
have it, the solution lies in the western aid paradigm of the
Monterrey Consensus and the Millennium Development Goals.

Proponents of this approach are not as callous and blithely myopic
as those who insist that Africans -- given their independence from
colonial rule -- bear responsibility for their own problems and
should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.  However, they
accomplish a similar shifting of blame -- a sleight of hand --
that directs attention away from the pathologies of power that lie
behind the phenomenon of underdevelopment.  They want us to
imagine a world in which their two billion desperately poor
neighbors can be raised up to decent middle-class living standards
without any restructuring of the capitalist world system and its
inherently uneven division of labor, production, consumption, and

Western development technocrats content themselves with
ahistorical and apolitical solutions to poverty and
underdevelopment in Africa because to tackle the real issues at
stake would run up against Western economic interests.  It would
mean deleting debt, promoting fairer international trade,
eliminating agricultural dumping, and requiring multinational
corporations to pay living wages.  Instead, concerned Westerners
want to feel good about helping while maintaining the system that
supports their lifestyles, refusing to face the fact that the
wealth and privilege of their nations -- and, ironically, the very
presence of the surplus that they can dispense so liberally in aid
-- depend on a system of extraction and exploitation that
necessarily generates inequality.  As the dependency theorists
have so long insisted, the wealth of the West is intimately bound
up with the poverty of Africa, and vice versa.  Poverty is not a
problem of nature, it's a problem of power.
Jason Hickel is an instructor as well as a doctoral candidate at
the Department of Anthropology of University of Virginia.


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