Black History Month: The legacy and past generations of  communists.  
Some debts are hard to pay, but if you dance to the music, you must  pay 
the piper. I choose to pay and not default on my personal debt to history. 
When the selfless creditor leaves the flesh and enters history, one is left 
 with legacy. Such is the case with the former Soviet Union. The mere 
existence  of the Soviet Power opened doors for the colonial masses  that 
probably  would have taken another 50 - 100 years to open. This is so because 
proletariat in the advanced countries were unable and often unwilling to  
consider emancipation of “their colonials.” Marx and Engels noted this 
tendency  in the relation of the English proletariat with the Irish. Soviet 
also  indirectly impacted the struggles of the working class in the advanced 
countries  in securing reform and concessions as efforts to maintain the 
loyalty of the  working class with capitalists. 
Each generation owes a debt to its dead. Paying the debt requires sifting  
through and rearticulating ones own history with fresh data and new 
insights,  expressing ones location in history, as this history describes the 
progressive  accumulation of productive forces. Thus, this new narrative 
consolidates the  experience of a previously advanced fighting section of the 
American proletariat  during the last phase of development of the industrial 
and the first  phase of the post-industrial world order. . 
The October Revolution 1917 happened. The October Revolution ushered in the 
 general crisis of capital, by withdrawing one-sixth of the earth from 
capital  imperialist exploitation and erecting barricades beyond which capital 
could not  advance on earth. The fortress (garrison state) of Soviet Power 
became an  economic and political gravity well that the slaves of imperialism 
could enter  to escape the ravages of world imperialism. History became 
divided into before  and after October. After October the national question was 
bound up with the  general question of the colonies of imperialism or 
reshaped by Lenin mouth into  the national-colonial question. Lenin embraced 
change producing a new analysis  when the world changed, and Lenin knew the 
had changed because he led the  change. 
Lenin‘s party fostered the formation of the Third Communist International  
as means to protect the October Revolution and regroup the world communist  
insurgency. At the moment of its birth, it was understood that the Soviet  
workers and peasants were the cherish child of the world proletariat. We 
protect  our children at all cost. Lenin called forth the Communist 
International for  protection because he understood that we understood. The 
played an  exemplary role in the struggles of the colonial peoples of earth. 
The Comintern’s contribution to the national-colonial question in America  
lives forever in in our hearts and mind in America, provoking profound 
emotions.  The seminal theoretical presentation of the issue was J.V. Stalin’s “
Marxism and  the National Question written 1913. To this day, no literature 
of single text  for this period of time comes close to his presentation. To 
understand this  text, one must travel back to the state of Mississippi in 
1914 or the era in  which this text was written. Try mentally reading this 
text in a town called  Tchula, 20 minutes outside the states capitol of 
Jackson  . . . . in 1914. 
Standing on the back of this text the Comintern’s October 26, 1928 and  
October 1930 resolutions on the Negro Question have attained a statue bordering 
 on the sacred. To awaken one day in the 300 year war and discover you are 
no  longer along is a profound emotion. The mere mention of the Comintern 
creates  humility, loyalty and an irresistible impulse to dip one Red Banner 
in honor of  those whose shoulders we stand upon. The Comintern documents 
changed the  orientation of the communist movement world wide. This was not a 
bad thing. The  emotion should not be lost to history. In America the black 
was the “Negro  Problem.” The Comintern said, 
“No, you mean the Negro Question, or the issue of the slaves of capital  
imperialism.”  This was enough - in 1928, for many of us - generations, to  
swear loyalty and fight for at least a thousand years. Loyalty is a tricky  
endeavor and in practical politics gyrates with competence. We want to try the 
 impossible and get the right mix of both. 
There are names - Americans, that should not be lost to history in our  
quest for a revolutionary conception of the colonial question. Harry Haywood -  
trained by the Comintern under the watchful eye of Stalin himself, produced 
 Negro Liberation in 1949. James Allen, Claudia Jones, Pettis Perry and 
Nelson  Peery. In this real history the role of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) 
contains  much of that, which is honorable in our history. The CPUSA was 
the best that our  history produced during this period and one should not “crap
” on their history,  because they might disagree with a proposition 80 
years later. Much has changed  since the Comintern’s 1928 and 1930 documents on 
the Negro Question.
Try reading these documents in 1930, Tchula Mississippi with the period of  
the Red Summer still in mind. 
What has changed is the national-colonial factor. Capital imperialism  
simultaneously amalgamate and disperse nations and peoples as the actual 
 of building and completing the infrastructure of a truly world market. A  
proposition that was true during one boundary of development of the 
industrial  system and capital, might not necessarily hold the same force at 
point  of development. In 1950, the employed industrial workers in the 
Midwest were on  the cutting edge of the social struggle. In the 1960's, 
Chrysler Motors alone  had about 26 plants in and around Detroit. This 
configuration no longer exists.  We can argue over what happened but something 
happen and Chrysler has very  few plants in Detroit today, with one of its two 
engine plants on Mack Ave.,  slated to close. 
Black History Month 2010 is the story of the rise and decay of the  
industrial working class and the death of the peculiar phenomenon of the black  
History has a form and content, which the colonial question is not immune  
to. Form and content simultaneously provides the environment and condition 
for  the other. One must always specify what one is talking about. The 
content of  history refers to the ceaseless development of the productive 
tools,  instruments, machinery and energy source and deployment. Engels 
called this “the  progressive accumulation of productive forces.“ 
The form of history, as used in this article, speaks of property relations  
and thus one ends up with a capitalist society, a feudal society or in the 
case  of the Soviets, a socialist society.  The content - essence of the  
industrial revolution, was the formation of industrial classes founded on a  
society infrastructure of electro-mechanical machines. In this meaning the  
Soviet Union was an industrial society as was America. Each society expressed 
a  different property form of class and wealth. Classes decay - rise and 
fall, in  their form and content as a normal process of evolution. The 
ultimate and  fundamental impulse of society change from one mode to another 
as  revolution or a qualitative change in productive forces. Qualitative 
change in  the productive forces is a process unto itself. 
A process is the totality of stages of development of dialectical motion.  
For instance, Henry Ford Sr. production methods marked a distinct  
quantitative  boundary in the development of the quality isolated as “the  
system” and capitalism in America, and socialism in the Soviet Union.  
Capitalism or socialism did not change qualitatively as society leaped from one 
quantitative boundary to the next. Nor did the industrial system become  
non-industrial based on crossing a quantitative boundary. Henry Ford Sr. or  “
Fordism” exists as a bookmark denoting a quantitative boundary in the  
development of the industrial revolution.  Capitalism did expand  
witnessed as expansion,  deepening the market and expanding  heavy 

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