In a message dated 2/19/2010 1:57:51 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

While other people are just as  fucked up in their own ways, white people 
of this type have a peculiarly  apolitical view of their own victimization. 
They can't see their situation as  anything more than an individual problem, 
as lone individuals being abused by  the system, as individuals who can only 
act alone, and who are victimized by bad  people running a system that is 
supposed to work but who have betrayed something  they thought they were part 
of and was supposed to be functioning  properly.

I think you hit the nail on the head with a carpenter's skill. The  
unionized workers, white in particular, facing impending ruin have a somewhat  
different instinct and orientation. These workers who I interact with are very  
angry and gave Obama his edge in the election. They are also universally 
scared  of the "system" but distrustful and harbor very different illusions. 
They  generally have not lived under generations of reactionary bourgeois 
democracy  with its extreme police violence and in areas like the deep South 
have been on  the non-receiving end of generations of historic fascist terror. 
In places where  the black areas of town merge into the white proletarian 
neighborhoods their is  a profound impulse for unity. 
The specific problem is that these workers have a way of thinking things  
out. We - meaning the generation of communists who are basically seniors, 
need a  way to speak with these workers on the basis of how they think things 
out in  real time as the velocity of crisis increase and as they awareness is 
in flux.  These workers who constituted the margin of victory for Obama can 
swing either  way in the actual social struggle. 
I am not seriously concerned about the so-called Tea bagger and fanatics,  
who are divorced from the masses of proletarians without regard to color. I 
am  concerned about establishing a polarity that serves as a gravity well 
for the  so-called "political middle," as it exists in flux. The crisis has 
kicked the  economic legs from up under the political middle as this section 
of the working  class is hurled forcefully into the lowest section of the 

The fragments of the remaining left are incapable of any dialogue with the  
proletarian masses. We are making headway, really, but the resistance and 
fear  is incredible. 
Ralph, we have arrived in the undiscovered country. Strategy and ideology  
of the past is useless. We need to make perhaps 10,000 new mistakes. The 
pace  and consolidation of Fascism in America is going to depend upon our 
ability to  really influence and win people over to thinking different. The 
edifice of race  has been cracked forever. Even the bourgeoisie is caught 
flatfooted. We might  get really lucky. 
Hopefully we will not have to experience what the former Soviet proletariat 
 had to endure.Our analysis is that there will be no recovery only 
restoration of  profitability on the governments dime. 
Things are getting interesting. 

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