Sunday, March 7, 2010

Harry Targ

Friday morning I was listening to my pseudo “fair and balanced”
National Public Radio station, sipping my fair-trade coffee, and
crunching on my organic granola while listening to two reports on
American politics.

The first addressed the rising threat of the Tea Party movement to the
“traditional” Republican Party. Of course, the victory of Rick Perry
over Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison figured in the analysis as did the
significant showing of a third, Tea Party, candidate in the Republican
gubernatorial primary.

The second report was on the upcoming primaries in Arkansas where
incumbent but very conservative Democratic candidate Blanche Lincoln
is being challenged by a much more liberal challenger, Bill Halter,
who wants to be the party’s choice to run for the U.S. Senate. Lurking
in the wings of this story, of course, is the Tea Party movement on
the right which will run against either the conservative or liberal

The sub-text of these stories, that is texts that are partially hidden
but still visible, is the rise of the new right which if the media is
to be believed constitutes a major grassroots movement in the
political life of the country.

Robert Borosage, announcing a June conference of progressives,
captured my sense of frustration when he wrote:

“Apparently, any time more than two right-wingers get together, the
media gets the vapors, showers the teabaggers with fluff coverage, and
heralds the beginning of a transformational movement.”

Then I read David Brooks’ March 5 New York Times column, “The Wal-Mart
Hippies.” Now I am not a Brooks naysayer. Sometimes he has interesting
things to say even though I usually disagree with him. But this column
was too much. For Brooks, the similarities between the New Left of the
1960s and the Tea Party of today are much greater than their
differences. He said that the two movements have used the same shock
and awe tactics. In fact, he said, the Tea Partiers are adopting the
tactics of Saul Alinsky.

Most importantly Brooks suggests that both movements had this
simplistic notion that “the people are pure and virtuous.” Both
movements “go in big for conspiracy theories.” The 60s theorists had
these silly ideas about “shadowy corporatist/imperialist
networks-theories that live on in the works of Noam Chomsky.” The Tea
Party folks also have silly ideas about how the Federal Reserve Bank,
the F.B.I, big banks and corporations have caused our problems.

And both movements “have a problem with authority.” Brooks says both
New Leftists and Tea Party activists oppose any systems of authority,
reject the idea of original sin, assume the perfectibility of human
kind, and believe in mass spontaneous action. The last straw was when
he referred to a pundit’s comparison of Glenn Beck to Abby Hoffman.

Brooks, while paying brief lip service to differences in the two
movements, ignores the theory and political perspectives that animated
the two movements. As a result he elevated the theory as well as
practice of the Tea Party followers. In this way Brooks gave
legitimacy to mainstream media political discourse that has made the
Tea Party story a significant one. As with the New Left failures of
the 1960s, “the Tea Partiers will not take over the G.O.P., but it
seems as though the 60s political style will always be with us-first
on the left, now the right.”

Perhaps David Brooks should have suggested that the “60s political
style” will always be with us as long as the monopoly media choose to
create, distort, and use various political currents as part of common
and enticing frames.

As Robert Borosage suggested, the main stream media has created for
its own purposes, and perhaps the purposes of political reaction, the
imagery of an angry, grassroots movement that bravely confronts
authority figures, both liberal and conservative, Democratic and
Republican. They are framed as well-informed, though impetuous
citizens, who are suffering from the downside of big moneyed

The media presents Tea Party claims that the problem with America is
government with little or no reflection on the bases of their claims.
The media instill in public consciousness Tea Party claims about the
dishonesty of science, the heartlessness of all politicians,
inhumanity of “bureaucrats,” and the distance the United States has
come from the framers of the Constitution.

And the Tea Party phenomenon is presented as an authentic grassroots
movement with little or no analysis of its support, encouragement, and
financing by inside the beltway big capital (the very folks they
presumably are railing against). Hardly a word is printed, for
example, about Tea Party funding from former Congressman Dick Armey’s
Freedom Works or funding by the Koch Family Foundations of Americans
for Prosperity. And the media fail to discuss the racism embedded in
many of their claims such as, “They are taking our country away.”

And interestingly enough, the media portrait of Republicans is of a
beleaguered middle-of-the road political faction who just might have
supported health care reform, climate change legislation, and other
Obama proposals if it were not for the pressure from the grassroots.

While reflecting upon the Tea Party phenomena, how it has been framed,
and the Brooks comparison, I was reminded of Todd Gitlin’s book, The
Whole World is Watching, which showed the radical shift of the media
frame on the New Left before and after 1965. After the first major
protest rally against the escalating war in Vietnam, Gitlin suggested,
the media frame of the New Leftists as sweet caring young people
shifted to the bomb throwing monsters that the media argued they had

While the Tea Party phenomenon is only a year old, according to
Borosage, they are still showered with “fluff coverage.” If the media
had continued its positive coverage of New Left activism after 1965,
the way they seem to be covering the Tea Party today, perhaps the war
in Vietnam would have been stopped sooner.

In the end, it may be that the Tea Party movement is far less
pervasive than has been presented. Its level of popularity probably
varies enormously from place to place. And the pain and suffering of
many people identified with the Tea Party-alienation, powerlessness,
economic marginalization, inequality, and hopelessness-is buried in
stories, such as the one by Brooks, of political style.
Posted by Harry Targ at 4:54 PM Link

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