In a message dated 3/19/2010 9:16:57 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I. Localized manual labor with the serf working the land for the  nobility
provided the economic based for feudalism. The primary form of  wealth is
landed  property. The political and social structures were  based on 
monarchy or
the King  and Queen as ruler with their courts of  civil servants and in
Europe the Church  as a powerful land  owner.

CB: The institution of the monarchy marks the transition  from
feudalism to capitalism.  During feudalism proper the secular  section
of the ruling class is feudal lords ruling feudal manors  ,
self-contained local economic units  The nation , with  national
monarchs, is a bourgeois formation, rooted in a national ,  capitalist
Thanks, but I am not sure what this means for a description of class  
antagonism and its emergence within the feudal system. More over for two groups 
of people who have zero understanding of the Marxist approach. Will gladly 
send  you the entire draft by the end of the month. Actually, the draft can 
be sent  today, but the problem is that all the words and terms have not been 
completed.  Further, work takes place on this project everyday with 
meetings three times a  week, squeezed between classes. A draft sent today 
would be 
different from the  draft being prepared for Monday. 
Then there is a total of four sections to the glossary. Section one is word 
 and term definitions with narrative. In section one for instance there are 
four  different indexes for the word class. Class, class strata, class as 
the shape of  property and class as a concrete form of labor in different 
historical eras.  Interestingly, the words Trotskyism and Stalinism are not in 
the text.  Nor  is there a critique or criticism of the CPUSA or any other 
group for that  matter. 
More interesting is Section one beings with the American Revolutionary War. 
Section Two summarizes all the communist international organizations from  
the First to th Fourth. 
Section 3 is Expositions deploying many of the terms in section one
Section 4 is literally Marxist catch phrases. Sutff like the philosophers  
have only interpreted the world in so many ways, the point if to change it.  

At this writing there is 40 individual pages 4 and 1/4 by 5 and 1/2 or  an 
6 by eleven sheet folded. We top out at 50. 
The problem is the rapid transitions in the writings and construction. 

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