"Quality and Quantity and Contradiction. 
Stalin argues that qualitative changes occur "not accidentally but as the  
natural result of an accumulation of imperceptible and gradual quantitative  
changes."11 We should note that this is only one aspect of this category of 
 dialectical logic. It is the more "commonsensical" side of the problem. 
The more  difficult question is how, concretely, do different quantities of 
the same thing  change the quality of it, or why is it that a phenomenon is 
something other than  its constituent parts taken separately. For instance, a 
thousand soldiers  fighting together on a battlefield constitute 
qualitatively something different  from a thousand fighting separately. Common 
tells us it is concentration  that makes the difference. Yet a thousand 
soldiers fighting separately,  scattered throughout the countryside, can 
be more effective than a  thousand in concentration. As we can see, it is 
an aspect of dialectics that is  not only complex, but forces us to recognize 
the unity of the two sides. Yet in  Stalin the quality quantity process 
becomes more one of causality. Small  incremental changes in abstract quantity 
create large qualitative leaps. There  is no room for how these new 
qualities affect the quantity. There is no  appreciation of the reciprocal 
of the philosophy of praxis 
(Marxism  — ed.) quality is also connected to quantity and this connection 
is perhaps its  most fertile contribution." 
I am in overdrive conditioned to do 12 hours work with a couple of break  
and a lunch period. 
The above is why I hate and remain anti-philosophy. We are not going  to 
hide behind philosophic concepts and mumbo jumbo.. Allow me to get the heart  
of the issue of Quality and Quantity and Contradiction. 
Here is the question posed by the author: "The more difficult question is  
how, concretely, do different quantities of the same thing change the 
quality of  it, or why is it that a phenomenon is something other than its 
constituent parts  taken separately." 
In this authors critique of Stalin’s "Dialectical and Historical  
Materialism" he adopts the exact same underlying thinking of Stalin and 
presents  the 
same conclusion in  different words. The question "how concretely do  
different quantities of the same thing change the quality of it," means you 
not solved the equation.  This is the wrong question. 
Here is the equation: the introduction of a new quality, - incrementally or 
 quantitatively, into an existing process (quality/quantity), begins the  
quantitatively change - alteration, of the old quality. At a certain stage in 
 the accumulation of the new quality, the old process or old quality begins 
the  process of breaking down, and is forces to leap to a new qualitative 
definition.  How this takes place is pretty easy for the workers to grasp. 
Once you introduce a new quality into a process and it begins quantitative  
expansion or receives more inputs or additions of the new quality, the 
process  halts development and expansion on the old basis. This is so because 
the process  now evolves and develops with the new quality within it. 
In society, specifically a historically distinct social system (mode of  
production), more of the same or a quantitative increase of the same thing  
cannot produce a qualitative leap or compel society to change qualitatively. 
The  industrial revolution, inaugurated by the steam engine, was a new 
quality that  brought the expansion of manufacturing to an end as it grew 
quantitatively on  the old basis of the old technology. Not all at what time, 
all the related  clusters of technology associated with the underlying 
principles of the steam  engine came into play quantitatively.. 
Now the process of quantitative injection of a new quality - the steam  
engine and related cluster of technology ( the mechanical flywheel, and  
electro-mechanical transfer bars and levers that Marx spends an inordinate  
of time writing about in Capital 1 dealing with machinery) contains its  
own law of development or dialectic. That is to say, the quantitative growth 
and  expansion of the new quality - that has been injected into the old 
process -  quality, meets resistance in the old means of production. This is so 
because the  ld process - quality, is in fact a different quality and 
configured based on  different principles of operation. The path of the 
quantitative growth and  evolution of the new quality is a distinct process 
itself that is  interesting and exciting but carries us away from the main 
point.  We have  discussed this on this list as the law of emergence. 
A quantitative increase does not lead to qualitative change as such. This  
is how it is explained to the workers. To change something you make take  
something away or add something new to a process or situation. The reason why 
is  because a process is really a coherent system of events. A system is a  
combination of parts making up a whole thing. If you increase all the same 
parts  of the system then you end up with a big fucking system. Nothing 
changes.  However, if you subject or add a new qualitative into an existing 
system you  begin its qualitative alteration. 
How to say all of this is a 50 page glossary with 50 - 60 terms is an art.  
A professional editor, preferably one who is Marxist is needed. 
Now, in respects to Stalin’s dialectical and historical materialism,  
written 72 years ago in a still peasant country by an individual that had   a 
peasant like mind, (revolutionary to the highest degree and extremely advanced  
for 1938, but speaking to a proletariat that was peasants ten years ago,) 
this  booklet has it place in history. My thing is the critics adopt the 
exact same  method and a nigga like me is not supposed  to know when Fred is 
saying the  same thing as Ed. 
Man, I need the critical and a level of ruthless intellectual passion  

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