JF:>>The problem was that Lysenko with
the baking of the Soviet regime
continued to hang on to neo-Lamarckiansm,
and more importantly was able to
coerce other Soviet scientists into
hanging on to it, long after it
had been discredited in the West.
That caused immeasurable harm
to Soviet biology, especially
when that led to scientists like
Vavilov being imprisoned for
being Mendelians.<<

That is an assertion of all the harm done, but no actual support, even
in reasoning, is offered here. It could be the reaction--the
backlash-- was as much an issue in holding back science as anything
Lysenko said or did. The Mendelians didn't really pioneer the 'green
revolution'--the techniques turned on horticultural techniques of
crossing strains based on their adaptation to certain environments,
looking for hybrids that expressed the desired traits and passed them
on. Much of what held back the Mendelians turned on a simplistic idea
of the relationship between chromosomes and other units of genetic
inheritance and expressed traits. That was Lysenko's points about
statistics--the patterns were there, but they weren't yielding the
information required to come up with new strains required to improve


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