*Please find below statement from **Janpaksh **(People's Side)* on the 
recent armed action against the inhabitants of Kalingnagar in Orrisa 

On April 1st at Jantar Mantar a protest rally is being organised at 11 
AM to protest against this action.



Statement of Protest by Janpaksh *

*Stop the Corporate Terror Against the Adivasis of Kalingnagar*

Yesterday (31^st March, 2010) in Kalinga Nagar industrial complex in 
Orissa's Jajpur district heavily armed para-military force brutally 
attacked the adivasis who are resisting the construction of 7.5 km road, 
being constructed for Tata's (the biggest Indian industrial house) 
upcoming project.

The adivasi villages have been razed and houses demolished. In 
Balligotha village firing on adivasis took place injuring about 15 
persons. One of them who is seriously injured has been whisked away by 
the police. This brutal attack is organized after days of preparation in 
order to put down the resistance of adivasis against Tata's project 
which will displace thousands of families. About 25 platoons of police 
and paramilitary forces have been deployed and the district 
administration has started construction in Kalinga Nagar industrial area 
of Common Corridor Road (CCR).

The state government has been falsely claiming that the land it wants to 
acquire is wasteland, while the reality is something diametrically 
different. This area that has been called as the core zone consists of 
green hills with rich forests, tribal settlements of more than ten 
thousand people spread over two gram panchayats, agricultural lands, 
ancient tanks, grazing fields, village common lands and roads. Twenty 
per cent of the Project area has quality forest where timber species 
like Sal, Kuruma, Vandan, Ashan and Piasal, besides Mahula, Kendu are 
plentily available. The total area of waste land is less than 5 acres on 
the Northern side.

The Orissa government till date has signed nearly 40 MoUs with various 
industrial houses and groups to set up their plants in Orissa out of 
which 13 plants are planned in Kalinga Nagar of Jajpur district The 
government has been equally brutal against the tribal communities 
gathered at Maikanch and Kashipur in protest against Utkal Alumina 
Project, whereby three tribals were killed in Maikanch in the recent 
past. The government has come out openly as the hireling of the 
exploitative capitalists, at the expense of the poor and the voiceless. 
It has been brazenly trampling upon the basic right of livelihood of the 
local population with impunity

This is not the first time in Kaling Nagar that the state and its armed 
forces have proved to be so brazenly vindictive, aligning with the 
industrialists at the cost of local communities. In the past also it has 
used its force to silence the resistance of the poor. Four years ago  in 
police firing 14 tribals, including three women, were murdered, on 
January 2, 2006 while opposing forcible land acquisition by the Tata 
Steel for its proposed steel project in the area. The same saga is being 
repeated today.

We severely condemn this barbarous attack on adivasis by the police and 
para-military forces who are acting as a hired mercenary of Tata Steel 
company and demand that it should immediately stop the construction work 
of the Common Corridor Road project as it will be built on fertile farm 
land and the community land of the tribals who are the real owner of 
this land.

We appeal to all the organizations and concerned citizens to raise their 
voice against the Fascist predatory tendencies of the Govt and express 
solidarity with the belligerent tribals of Kalinga Nagar.



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