Only the world wide waste could take me this far. I had to click one last
google search result, just to find out that naivete about the danger of
wolves turns out to be still yet another STALINIST PLOT. From gesturing
grunting hominids to blogging grunting hominid nonsense-makers in something
like 100,000 years. Evolution just has to be progressive.

To the above one must add two factors, the first being: the global impact of
a very popular book by a famous Canadian author, Farley Mowat, depicting
wolves as harmless, lovable mouse eaters. While Canadian biologists did not
fall for this prank , the literati did and are still falling for it.
Secondly, this book was most welcome to the Communist Party in Russia, which
had systematically suppressed information about man-killing wolves since
1917, but especially during and after World War Two, in order to forestall
the call for arms by the populace. So western environmentalists and eastern
communists shouted with one voice praising the harmlessness of wolves. The
Russian scientist Mikhail P. Pavlov disclosed the matter in a book on wolves
after the fall of Communism . His work, upon translation into Norwegian, was
denounced with furor leading to the responsible ministry destroying the
translation. It was subsequently published in Swedish . An English
translation lingered unpublished, as nobody wanted to touch it. It has
recently been published .

The historical and current evidence indicates that one can live with wolves
where such are severely limited in numbers on an ongoing basis, so that
there is continually a buffer of wild prey and livestock between wolves and
humans, with an ongoing removal of all wolves habituating to people. The
current notion that wolves can be made to co-exist with people in settled
landscapes (in multi-use landscapes surrounding houses, farms, villages and
cities) is not tenable. Under such conditions wolves becoming territorial
will confront people when such walk dogs or approach wolf-killed livestock.
In addition even well fed habituated wolves will test people by approaching
such, initially nipping at their clothing and licking exposed skin, before
mounting a clumsy first attack that may leave victims alive but injured,
followed by serious attacks. While a healthy man can fight off a lone wolf
with some chances o
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