On 4/15/10, CeJ <jann...@gmail.com> wrote:
> CB>>The great enhancement of sociality that language and
> culture give bestows and enormous adaptive advantage on humans, from
> the beginning of the species.<<
> One thing that came up in my reading that throws a spanner in the
> spandrel is this: based on the evidence we have now, we can say that
> the Cro Magnons out of Africa weren't anymore biologically, socially
> or culturally well-adapted for survival than the Neanderthals already
> outside of Africa. In fact, for a long time Neanderthals were more
> successful. They might even have been more intelligent. They show the
> same signs of culture and language use that we look for in Cro
> Magnons.

CB: Definitely.  Cromagnons and Neanderthals both have culture.
Culture arises long before them.  Pithecanthropines have culture, It
> Now I have tried to recapitulate the theory that somehow Cro Magnons
> developed socially beyond what Neanderthals had, and this might
> account for their eventual success. One of the differences, at least
> in some of the readings, was the 'domestication' of the wolf-dog. This
> might have brought adaptive value to both Cro Magnons and to
> wolf-coyote-dog (they are arguably all the same species).

CB: Well, same genus (smile). They can't interbreed, which defines a species.


 It might
> reflect the fact that Cro Magnons had some sort of capability to adapt
> themselves to living with another species.

CB: It's an early domestication of animals. Interesting idea that this
is an extension of the social.  I imagine the early hominids were
fantastic zoologists and botanists.  They probably were very
knowledgeable and coordinated with many , many other animal and plant
species, both predators, prey and neutrals. Culture and language ,
myths , stories , kinship systems allow the accumulation of knowledge
across generations.



Which then leads to a
> number of things, but perhaps most importantly are more advanced
> social structure (that takes care of individuals across 3 generations,
> and takes in extended family to fulfill planned social activities for
> survival, such as a bison hunt, or passing on information as to where
> a herd of wild goats is going to be next spring, etc.).

CB; Yes, this is what I am getting at.


 The strongest
> analogy that can be found among other animals is that wolves can also
> do this, although how they achieve this is not the same as how humans
> would do it. How proto-humans did it, we don't know.

CB: Proto humans were in touch with many dead generations.

> So Cro Magnon moved from being a bunch of small bands preying off
> herds (and competing with wolves) to being a society that in-gathered
> the bands for more ambitious activities--such as burning fires, to
> create pasture, to increase bison populations so Cro Magnon and the
> wolf-dogs could hunt/herd them.

CB: Usually, it is said that domestication of animals doesn't come
until much later, like about 12,000 bc.

> I guess one question is: since wolves and humans shared the same range
> and fed at the same niche, when did this inter-species cooperation
> start? And why couldn't Neanderthals do this?
> In the case of the wolf, this animal shows the ability to cooperate
> with other species besides humans. It cooperates with badgers because
> badgers are better at digging out prey, while wolves are better at
> driving to a place that a badger can dig it out.

CB: Well, you know knats on the backs of bison are cooperating species, too.
> It makes for interesting speculation anyway.
> CJ
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