I'm not sure what list this comes from, but I don't think it
originated here, did it?

At any rate, you tell him CB.

Moreover, what the German invasion of the SU didn't destroy, the
Soviet Union themselves often had to destroy, so the Germans couldn't
use it to prosecute the war on all fronts til total victory. Something
the Allies ought to be damned glad about. It turned out to be a war of
attrition on the eastern front, and the German armies collapsed, which
then in turn limited their ability to defend against the US-UK-Canada
invasion and western front.

As for why the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact maintained a conventional
arms buildup, it was, for one thing, part of a master strategy to call
the US's and NATO's bluff on nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union would
say that they would never be the first to use nuclear weapons on any
battlefield or in any strategic offensive. However, if nuclear weapons
were used against any of their forces, retaliation would be
overwhelming. The United States and NATO couldn't do that. They would
say, if attacked conventionally and facing a loss, they would resort
to the use of 'tactical' nuclear weapons in order to defend western
Europe (leading to the sarcastic comment: What is a 'tactical' nuke?
Any nuke the US decides to blow up in Europe).

And underlying the conventional buildup was the Soviet Union knowing
itself to be in the nuclear arms race (the US got the A-bomb first,
the US got the H-bomb first, the US got the intercontinental bomber
first, then the US got a bit behind once the Soviets had success with
Sputnik, but the US went ahead in ICBM and SLBM technologies as well).
The Soviet Union matched these technologies somewhat but preferred
trying to maintain a quantitative lead in conventional weapons and
basic combat arms soldiering. This is still Russia's strength. The US
military prides itself on being the mightiest, but the fact is most of
its money (our money, or the money we borrow from China, Japan, and
the Gulf States) is spent on capabilities that have never been tested
in any real battlefield. Iraq and Afghanistan showed if anything that
most of this turns into junk if they do try to use it (like using M1
tanks to 'patrol'). The Russians can occupy a country because their
military is deployed over a still very large country--that is, they
occupy Russia. And how they would operate in principle and in reality
has been better tested than most of what the US has, despite what
Americans have been led to believe. What do you think the last
invasions of Chechnya and Georgia were except the ultimate in
live-fire exercises? What do you think Hezbollah's successful defense
of S. Lebanon against the IDF tells Russians about very basic
anti-tank and anti-vehicle missiles that can be operated by two man
teams? (If Hezbollah can do it, Iran can do it even better, and Russia
can do it 100 times over).

You almost think the plan is for Russian Nationalists to wait for the
US to collapse from bankruptcy and then for them to declare that they
and China actually won the Cold War.


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