Live From Arizona!
Monday, May 24
7 PM
5920 Second Ave., Detroit

You are invited to a meeting to organize in support of the movement to
repeal the racist Arizona Senate Bill 1070 that criminalizes immigrant
communities and communities of color in Arizona.  The meeting will
focus on organizing demonstrations at the Arizona Diamondbacks v.
Tigers games at Comerica Park, June 18, 19, 20, in support of the
national movement to Boycot Arizona.   Also on the agenda will be the
recently announced plans to introduce a racist Arizona-style
anti-mmigrant law in Michigan and organizing the movement to oppose
this measure.

At the meeting, there will be a live-feed from Tucson activists in the
forefront of the immigrant rights movement in Arizona. who will
discuss activities in that state and the importance in building the
movement to stop SB 1070 and similar bills around the US.  Below is a
press release from activists in Tucson, Arizona.

Meeting and actions co-sponsored by the MECAWI, Latinos Unidos,
Moratorium NOW! Coalition, and FIST-Detroit.

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