blog post: A Lucky Man, Episode 3

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"A factory is a battle zone.  Nothing better illustrates the slogan
that ?time is money? than the daily struggle between workers and
bosses to squeeze a little more free time or a little more work out of
the workday. The time study guy would sneak around with his stopwatch,
ever on the lookout for a motion to be saved so that another fraction
of a second of work could be added to the daily grind. The men watched
for him and devised ingenious ways to pretend to be working.  If you
could start working at 8:02  instead of 8:00, take an extra three
minutes for lunch, or line up in front of the time clock a few minutes
before the shift ended, you?d beaten the system.  Same thing if you
lingered in the toilet stall reading the newspaper. A minor injury
that sent you home early with a full day?s pay was a sublime victory.
If the boss had you do something forbidden by the contract, you licked
your lips in anticipation of the grievance you?d file and the backpay
you might win.  Some!
 guys had learned how to do two jobs along the assembly line, theirs
and their buddies, and each would relieve the other for as long as
half a shift.  This worked especially well when the foreman was in a
meeting." . . .

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