I am surprised that no mention was made in the
article concerning Maoist takes on the
labor aristocracy.  In the US,  many Maoists
like Bob Avakian's RCP contend that
most American workers belong to the
labor aristorcracy and so cannot be
counted upon to develop a revolutionary
consciousness (the RCP, as I understand them,
do see many, if not most African-American
workers as falling outside the labor aristocracy,
so that thus, they do have the potential for
developing a revolutionary consciousness).
This take on the labor aristocracy thus
implies that we cannot expect revolutions
to begin in the First World, but rather in the
Third World.

Jim Farmelant

On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 08:49:47 -0400 c b <cb31...@gmail.com> writes:
> Labor aristocracy
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_aristocracy
> "Labor aristocracy" or "Labour aristocracy" (or "aristocracy of 
> labor"
> or "aristocracy of labour", see also English spelling differences) 
> has
> three meanings: as a term with Marxist theoretical underpinnings, as 
> a
> specific type of trade unionism, and/or as a shorthand description 
> by
> revolutionary industrial unions (such as the Industrial Workers of 
> the
> World) for the bureaucracy of craft-based business unionism.
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