Yet another document demonstrating how little confidence can be placed 
in a revolution of peasants. The crude, shrewd and ruthless pragmatism 
of Stalin marks why he came out on top, just what you would expect in 
the situation. Stalin is one tough piece of shit.

So far it's a compelling drama. The one thing I find jarring is the 
series of captions between scene 21 and 22. Too much history compacted 
into these captions.

What does it mean that Stalin is held hostage to the Politburo, as 
Truman says?

And what's this:

"Eighth Extraordinary Congress of Soviets on December 5, 1936 approves 
the new
Constitution. But Stalin's plans are thwarted by the NKVD."

It is not clear from the structure of the play what the engineering of 
the Soviet Constitution, other than for propaganda purposes, was about.

Also, it would be useful to know why Stalin was so unprepared for the 
German invasion.

Also, what is behind Malenkov's proposal in scene 42, other than 
rhetoric, that is?

A curious statement by dying Stalin to the dead Kamenev near the end:

    "I was trying to push through a new, more democratic constitution,
    but the NKVD
    claimed to have discovered new bogeymen under every bed. They
    hi-jacked the
    congress, when my report on the constitution was to have been the
    main item on the

    "You were a hostage to fortune. You had to be sacrificed. The new
    constitution was
    more important than the fate of any of the so-called Old Bolsheviks,
    you, or my
    daughter's godfather, or even me. But I had to survive, or the
    constitution would have
    fallen. As it was, most of my democratic proposals were removed."

What is this all about?

Curious Stalin's attitude toward his fellow mass-murderers Yezhov and 

What's this about the USA having a hand in Trotsky's assassination?

Trotsky's big mistake was being the intellectual's intellectual, not to 
mention a Jew, now recognizing how impossible it is to be such an 
intellectual in a country full of violent, ignorant little shits.

Then, the Palestinians, the Greeks, the Jews come to accuse Stalin.

And finally Stalin pleads that he was at the mercy of the NKVD.

What a shame the play ends with Paul Robeson singing that dumbass Soviet 
national anthem. Not one of his better moments.

Congrats on a compelling play. It filled me with even more disgust for 
the USSR than I already had.

On 7/16/2010 3:35 AM, Karl Dallas wrote:
> I have just completed the first draft of a play about Stalin, the result of
> over 12 years of research. Though some scenes have been imagined, as far as
> possible I have gone to published sources for reports of what happened or
> what was said at the time.
> At present it is far too long for theatrical performance, but my purpose in
> mentioning it here is to encourage criticism, however hostile (since I
> imagine it will provoke hostility, since it does not portray its subject as
> the devil incarnate; nevertheless I have tried to paint him "warts and
> all").
> The script can be read at
> -----------
> Go well.
> Karl Dallas
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