US to Attend Hiroshima Memorial for First Time

By Shingo Ito

August 3, 2010, Agence France-Presse via common Dreams

HIROSHIMA, Japan - Sixty-five years after a mushroom cloud
rose over Hiroshima, the United States will for the first
time send an envoy this Friday to commemorate the bombing
that rang in the nuclear age.

Its World War II allies Britain and France, both declared
nuclear powers, will also send their first diplomats to the
ceremony in the western Japanese city in a sign of support
for the goal of nuclear disarmament.

Japan, the only country that has ever been attacked with
atomic bombs -- first on August 6, 1945 in Hiroshima, and
three days later in Nagasaki -- has pushed for the abolition
of the weapons of mass destruction ever since.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who arrives in
Japan on Tuesday, will be the first UN chief to attend the

UN spokesman Martin Nesirsky said Ban wanted to draw
attention to "the urgent need to achieve global nuclear

In Japan, a pacifist nation since its WWII surrender six days
after the Nagasaki bombing, memories of the nuclear horror
still run deep.

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