> http://www.juancole.com/2010/07/7984.html
> The Closing of the Zionist Mind
> Posted on July 30, 2010 by Juan
> It finally happened. The Jerusalem Post has declared archeology itself
> anti-Semitic.
> To tell you the truth, I am frankly worried about some of my
> colleagues who are committed Zionists having difficulty in dealing
> with reality in the wake of the severe difficulties facing the Zionist
> project in historical Palestine.
> Caroline Glick?s inaccurate and angry attack on me in the Jerusalem
> Post reminded me again of why I am anxious about the Closing of the
> Zionist Mind.
> Glick is actually alleging that anyone who practices critical history
> of the ancient world or the Middle East in general is thereby an
> anti-Jewish bigot. Glick, from Chicago, was a captain in the Israeli
> army and a judge advocate-general during the first Intifada or
> Palestinian uprising against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank,
> which the Israeli army brutally crushed. She seems to be going off the
> deep end, having made herself notorious with the sick satirical video
> ?We Con the World,? which made fun of the civilian aid workers killed
> by Israeli commandos on May 31 of this year (and which appears to have
> had some backing from the Israeli government itself).
> I don?t know if Captain Glick ever was not a zealot, but the
> bitterness and extremeness of her comments are now to the point of
> irrationality.
> It is not just she. I?ve been at conferences where committed Zionists
> in the audience would afterwards approach me and, with a sort of
> glazed look in their eyes, give me a little set speech, then abruptly
> walk away. I initially always think they want to have a discussion.
> They don?t. They want to engage in some sort of strange ritual speech
> to exorcise the doubts I raised. They want to tell me off and then
> escape before I can reply.
> One time some Orthodox students approached me at a conference to say
> that in their reckoning, Israeli settlers on the West Bank had almost
> never done any harm to anyone and maybe in total had killed 14
> persons, for which they were sorry. I was frankly outraged. I mean,
> what world did these university students live in? Had they never read
> even one academic book on the effects of the Israeli Occupation on the
> Palestinians of the Palestinian West Bank? Why invent fairy tale
> statistics, and what is with the passive aggressive ?apology?? There
> is something wrong with this way of thinking, and it is a kind of
> group think that reinforces itself in small, tight, communities of
> discourse.
> Last month, I was at a conference where a prominent academic at a
> prominent university gave a whole series of set speeches on various
> occasions.. Hamas is a terrorist organization that says it will never
> negotiate with Israel. Iran is near to being able and willing to nuke
> Israel. It was like a series of mantras to ward off any real, critical
> thought. When I told the person he was being essentialist, he was
> taken aback, then in a passive aggressive way, said he ?hoped? that
> what I was saying was true. It is so weird dealing with people who are
> supposed to be critical thinkers by trade who, when it comes to
> Israel, suddenly exhibit all the originality of a mynah bird. And they
> don?t let you get a word in edgewise once they start. And they
> constantly imply, with body language and innuendo, that you are
> misinformed or actively lying.
> Other strange features of this discourse are the disregard for any
> evidence that contradicts the set talking points, unwillingness to
> seriously reconsider positions in the light of such evidence, the
> repetition of key phrases in an impenetrable way, the allegation that
> critics said things they never said, and insistence on demonizing the
> source of the alternative evidence.
> I got exactly the same treatment in the 1970s from Maronite Christians
> in Lebanon and in the 1990s from pro-Milosevic Serbs, and recognize
> the condition. It is Failing Nationalism Syndrome (FNS).
> Not all national projects succeed. There are by some counts 5000
> ethnic groups in the world of a sort that could be the basis for a
> nation-state, but there are only about 190 countries. Some political
> projects, such as French Algeria (dominated by colons or colonists as
> a privileged group) or a Christian-dominated Lebanon, get going but
> just don?t have staying power. Algeria is now an almost wholly Muslim
> country, and Christians in Lebanon, while still powerful and numerous,
> are probably down to less than a third of the total population. But if
> we went back in time to 1935, we could sit at cafes in Algiers or
> Beirut and talk with these two about the future of their countries,
> and the ones in Algiers would have said that Algeria?s fate was to
> always be a part of France, and the Lebanese Maronites would talk have
> talked about their majority being strengthened and about the
> Phoenician identity of their country in the future.
> Since the government of Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu is
> doing its best to run out the clock on a two-state solution, the only
> two plausible outcomes in Israel/Palestine in the coming decades are
> long years of dreary Apartheid or a one-state solution. It is not
> plausible that the Israelis will be allowed to keep the Palestinians
> stateless and without, ultimately, any real rights, forever. So
> Zionists (Israel nationalists) are increasingly suffering from Failing
> Nationalism Syndrome, and it is causing them to flail about saying the
> strangest things.
> Let me take Glick?s weird screed section by section (she is replying
> to my essay in Salon.com)
> ? One of the most prominent anti-Zionists today is Prof. Juan Cole
> from the University of Michigan.
> Zionism is just Israel nationalism. Nationalism is of two sorts. It
> can be a sane patriotism in which people take pride in their identity
> and pull together to achieve national projects of self-improvement. Or
> it can be an aggressive, expansionist, grasping and destructive
> movement that exalts the in-group over out-groups and disadvantages or
> damages the latter. The second sense of the word ?nationalism? was the
> more common in the 19th and the early 20th century.
> So, I am not an anti-Zionist in principle (and it is weird that Glick
> would accuse me of being one), since Israel nationalism is fine with
> me as long as it is of the first sort. Any nationalism of the second
> sort, I roundly denounce, whether adopted by Jews, Arabs, or
> Melanesians. It is the virulent sort that Closes the Mind.
> ? Part of being a successful anti-Zionist involves claiming that Jews
> have no right to the land of Israel. So to be a good anti-Zionist, one
> needs to deny Jewish history.
> To this end, in March Cole published a piece of historical fiction in
> the Salon online magazine.
> Titled ?Ten reasons why East Jerusalem does not belong to Israel,?
> Cole mixed half truths with flagrant lies to justify his denial of
> Jewish history and belittlement of the Jewish rights.
> Cole wrote, ?Jerusalem not only was not being built by the likely then
> non-existent ?Jewish people? in 1000 BCE, but Jerusalem probably was
> not even inhabited at that point in history. Jerusalem appears to have
> been abandoned between 1000 BCE and 900 BCE, the traditional dates for
> the united kingdom under David and Solomon.?
> This assertion is so mendacious that it takes your breath away. As
> anyone who has actually been in Jerusalem can attest, it is all but
> impossible to be physically present in the oldest areas of the city
> and not bump into relics dating from between 1000 and 900 BCE.?
> Glick is the one who is out of touch with reality. She cannot bump
> into a single monument from the period 1000-900 BCE in today?s
> Jerusalem. The position I hold is what is called the ?Copenhagen
> school? or ?biblical minimalism,? and it is a perfectly respectable
> academic movement. I think all archeologists and historians would hold
> it if some were not religious believers in the Bible. It is people
> like Capt. Glick who are politicizing archeology and tampering with
> science.
> There is no evidence for a monotheistic cult in Canaan in the period
> leading up to 1000 BCE. Monotheistic Judaism appears to have been
> invented in the Babylonian exile or perhaps a little before, and the
> fables of a great kingdom of David and Solomon were woven together
> then. The Assyrians were the gossips of the ancient world and they
> wrote down everything that happened in their clay tablets, and even
> talk about minor Arab queens in the Hijaz, and they didn?t know
> anything about a magnificent kingdom of David and Solomon with
> palaces. If these figures existed at all, I suspect they just had
> really, really nice tents, not golden palaces (which by the way have
> not been found despite what ideologues like Glick assert). Historical
> Judaism was a reformation of Canaanite religion over a period of time.
> (Some readers asked me who I thought was carried off to Babylon in the
> first place, and the answer is simple: Canaanites, perhaps those of a
> certain religious cult, but very possibly not the sort of monotheist
> depicted in the Bible).
> ? Cole?s allegation is the academic equivalent of Louis Farakhan?s
> claim that white people are devils planted on earth by aliens. As an
> anti-Zionist anti-Semite, it was just a matter of time until Cole
> traveled into the fetid swamp of denying the historical record to
> facilitate his false claim that Jews are not a people and therefore
> are bereft of rights as a nation to our national homeland.
> I don?t know where she found a quote by me saying that the Jews are
> not a people. She doesn?t actually seem good with like, evidence. But
> peoples anyway are not eternal essences. They are formed over time.
> All I am saying is that her timeline for the formation is off by
> several hundred years.
> Anyway, if Israel nationalism depends on the Bible?s stories of David
> and Solomon being historical, then kiss it goodbye. But note that my
> point in the Salon article was not that Israelis had no right to be in
> Israel but rather that they have no right to expel all Palestinians
> from Jerusalem (Yes, that is what Israelis of Glick?s stripe are
> doing). Glick?s shouting is designed to cover up an ongoing set of
> crimes against someone else, by painting herself the victim of,
> horror, biblical minimalism of an academic sort.
> And note Glick?s segue from calling me an ?anti-Zionist? to calling me
> an ?anti-Semite? because I won?t accept the bible at face value as a
> privileged text without some kind of supporting evidence (and in the
> face of contrary such evidence). I?ve gotten so I really don?t care
> about being called a bigot by people who are very obviously bigots.
> And I am afraid that pretty much everyone is getting that way, which
> is a shame. Because the history of anti-Jewish bigotry in the West is
> cosmically ugly and should not be trivialized.
> ? And why shouldn?t he cover himself in anti-Semitic muck? So far, the
> stench has brought him great success. The very fact that I felt
> compelled to write an essay explaining why anti-Semitism is
> anti-Semitism and why anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism is depressing
> proof that anti-Semites have been wildly successful in whitewashing
> their bigotry.?
> I?m still looking for evidence of anti-Semitic muck in anything I?ve
> written, as opposed to just practicing history. And, I?m glad she
> thinks me a success, but lets face it, I?d have gone much further in
> conventional life if I hadn?t gotten on the wrong side of strident
> fanatics such as she. But, I was never interested in a conventional
> career. I have a sneaking admiration for Hunter S. Thompson that I
> doubt very many deans share.
> ?What makes contemporary anti-Semitism unique is its purveyors? great
> efforts to hide its very existence. Their motivation is clear. Outside
> the openly genocidal anti-Semitic Muslim world, most anti-Semites are
> self-described liberals who claim to oppose bigotry. For these people,
> pretending away their prejudice is the key to their continued claim to
> enlightenment.
> And so the likes of Oliver Stone publish clarifications.
> And Cole invents history. And the Europeans blame Jews and Israel and
> Zionism when Jews inside and outside Israel are assaulted and killed.
> And I am sorry I wrote this column.
> Because an audience that demands an explanation of why evil is evil is
> an audience that has already sided with evil.?
> If all that ranting makes sense to anyone, they should please explain
> it in terms that sane people can understand. Some of it is just guilt
> by association and conspiracy thinking.
> Glick let slip at the end what is really going on. She is a cultist,
> who sees the world as black and white, good and evil. She and her
> movement are pure good. Those who oppose anything it does, including
> Apartheid, are evil.
> And since the world will increasingly oppose Israeli Apartheid against
> the Palestinians, we are in for lots more furious rants and character
> assassination like Glick?s.
> The Closing of the Zionist Mind, so evident in Glick?s weird column,
> is dangerous because a cult-like, black and white mindset is the first
> prerequisite for a turn to violence and it makes compromise and
> flexibility impossible. But what the Mideast needs more of is
> reasoned, humane, complex openness to change, to negotiation, to
> seeing the Other as human. Glick is foreclosing that process, and in
> so doing is helping dig the grave of Israel as we know it.
> Luckily, most Israelis I know are nice people and Glick is not
> representative, so maybe I?m wrong to see a trend here as opposed to
> just a supremely annoying and ignorant individual.

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