Burn, Baby, Burn
Climate Change Sceptics on the Left
Andrea Levy | August 16th 2010 | 1

Illustration by Ben Clarkson

Although the scientific community has never been more united in its
conviction that climate change is well on the way to rendering planet Earth
a vastly less hospitable place for most species including our own, doubt
about the gravity of the problem is, paradoxically, on the rise. Recent
polls in the U.S., the U.K., and Canada reveal that fewer people take the
threat of climate change seriously than was true five years ago.

One likely reason is the insidious effect of the ongoing campaign - largely
orchestrated and funded by the fossil fuel industry and drawing support from
a cast of pundits and politicians such as right-wing columnist George Will,
Lord Nigel Lawson, Czech President V?clav Klaus among others - to sow doubt
about the very existence of the phenomenon or at least about the
contribution of human activity to it, and minimize the deleterious effects
forecast by a host of prominent scientists.

The contrarians don't all line up with the forces of reaction, however.
Alexander Cockburn, veteran left journalist, long-time columnist for The
Nation, co-editor of the iconoclastic online journal Counterpunch, resigned
this year from a more than forty year stint on the editorial board of the
New Left Review over the publication of Mike Davis' "Who Will Build The
 Ark?" a reflection on the implications of climate change, as the lead
article of the illustrious journal's 50th anniversary issue.

It's curious that Cockburn, who has certainly been embroiled in numerous
controversies on the Left, would be prompted to quit his place on the board
over an essay on climate change, but there are few issues that get Cockburn
as hot under the collar as global warming. And while he is by far the most
extreme in his wholesale denial of the very problem of climate change,
Cockburn is not the only prominent leftist to dismiss the urgency accorded
global warming by progressives of all stripes.

To name only two noteworthies, York university's David F. Noble, historian
of science and technology, critic of the corporate usurpation of the
university and occasional contributor to Canadian Dimension, is equally
irate over the Left's attention to climate change. And Slavoj Zizek, one of
the most prominent left-wing intellectuals in the world today, dubbed the
Elvis of cultural theory, has at times likewise articulated a rather
agnostic position on global warming.

Each of these thinkers, who articulate and reflect a real, if marginal,
minority opinion on the Left, come at their climate change scepticism from
different angles: Cockburn maintains that global warming is a "non-existent
threat" based on flawed science, in support of which claim he approvingly
cites naysayers such as Patrick Michaels of the right-wing Cato Institute,
fingered as a paid consultant of the fossil fuel industry, who discounts
predictions of rising sea levels and melting ice caps. Against the
prevailing scientific consensus, Cockburn insists that, "There is still zero
empirical evidence that anthropogenic production of CO2 is making any
measurable contribution to the world's present warming trend."
Like peak oil, another hypothesis Cockburn rejects out of hand, climate
change is, in his view, a fiction fostered by capital as part of a strategy
to profit from higher energy costs at the expense of the poor, north and
south, a notion which bears more than a passing resemblance to the type of
conspiracy thinking he else- where excoriates. He treats the Left with
contempt not only for being hoodwinked by the "dogma" of global warming, but
also for being na?ve in seeing it as a tipping point in the direction of
radical social change.

Noble's emphasis is somewhat different, although he pursues the general
theme of climate change as a false crisis fabricated by elites for their own
purposes. Tracing the history of the corporate world's warming to the issue
of climate change, he depicts it as a deliberate and successful effort by a
fraction of the ruling class and its minions to co-opt and derail the
anti-globalization movement of the 1990s and re-establish the hegemony of
the dominant ideology.

"If the corporate climate change campaign has fuelled a fevered popular
preoccupation with global warming," he writes, "it has accomplished much
more. Having arisen in the midst of the world-wide global justice movement,
it has restored confidence in those very faiths and forces which that
movement had worked so hard to expose and challenge: globe-straddling
profit-maximizing corporations and their myriad agencies and agendas; the
unquestioned authority of science and the corollary belief in deliverance
through technology, and the beneficence of the self-regulating market."

He is especially contemptuous of the Left for adopting what he sees as an
uncritical view of science in relation to climate change, one which
disconnects science from politic, and of buying into the dominant either/or
logic: according to Noble, competing corporate interests have succeeded in
creating a false polarization of positions which leaves no latitude to
reject both sides: he complains that one can either accept climate change as
the principal problem of our time along with the green capitalist solutions
now being proffered or join the much maligned "deniers."

Slavoj Zizek, too, cautions against a na?ve view of science, although he
seems just lately to be conceding more to the scientific consensus than in
previous pronouncements wherein he made the case for uncertainty about the
threat of global warming and opposed any limits to development on the
grounds that any attempt by scientists to quantify what constitutes a safe
level of climate change is arbitrary because our knowledge is insufficient.
He argued moreover that nature is inherently unstable and crisis-ridden and
that ideas about any natural balance being upset by human activity are
misguided. Ecology, insofar as it emphasizes our finitude and calls for us
to treat the earth with respect, is inherently conservative, evincing a deep
distrust of change, development and progress; he thus characterized it as "a
new opium of the masses."

In a recent contribution to the New Statesmen, Zizek seems to shift gears,
however. On the one hand, he repeats the assertion that nature is chaotic
and unpredictable and that there is no underlying natural balance to be
perturbed by human activity. Science, he reiterates, is unreliable and its
conclusions are subject to the pressures of capital. But virtually in the
same breath, he asserts that our survival as a species depends on "a series
of stable natural parameters that we tend to take for granted . The limits
to our freedom become palpable with ecological disturbances, as our ability
to transform nature destabilises the basic geological conditions of life on
earth." He thus apparently now concedes something to the biophysical
processes that sustain life as more than human artifice and ideology. And he
also evidently jettisons his opposition to quantification of limits on
development when he writes: "What is demanded, first, is strict egalitarian
justice: worldwide norms of per capita energy consumption should be imposed,
stopping developed nations from poisoning the environment at the present
rate while blaming developing countries, from Brazil to China, for ruining
our shared environment."

Of course, both skepticism and the ability to change one's mind are signs of
intellectual vigour. And however much those of us persuaded by the enormity
of the problem of climate change may be exercised by the small doubter's
camp on the Left, dissent, as Norman Thomas urged, is "essential to the
search for truth in a world wherein no authority is infallible."

But what may be relevant to engage with here is what appears to motivate the
dissenters in this instance. Paradoxically, skepticism about climate change
on the right is fuelled, particularly in the U.S., by the belief that global
warming is a socialist Trojan horse designed to destroy the free market by
the stealth of environmental regulation. What seems to unite the climate
change skeptics on the Left is precisely the opposite belief, namely, that
climate change is distracting and deflecting the Left from the project of
radical social transformation.

It is redolent of the response of a significant part of the socialist Left
to the emerging environmental consciousness of the 1970s, which discounted
concerns about pollution and the rate of resource consumption as a petty
bourgeois affair with no bearing on the working classes and masses of the
world. But as countless scientists and scholars have stressed, the most
devastating effects of climate change will be felt first of all by the
indigent people in the Global South who are more directly and immediately
dependent on the natural world for their living.
The skeptics are legitimately concerned that the ecological crisis generally
and climate change in particular will be manipulated by capital as a
business opportunity. But while there is no doubt that climate change will
be exploited for profit by the corporate elite - just as the oil catastrophe
in the Gulf is being turned to economic advantage by some of the companies
responsible for the disaster who are now cashing in on the clean-up
activities - the fact that the corporate world is willing and able to profit
from a crisis should not lead us to discount the reality or gravity of that

On the contrary, what is called for is a distinctly anti-capitalist response
to the clear ecological threat that human civilization, as it is currently
constituted, poses - not only to the survival of our own species but to
innumerable others now at risk from the degradation of global ecosystems.
Oddly, our climate change skeptics seem to ignore the emerging ecosocialist
current which has taken up the challenge of wedding the critique of
capitalism to an analysis of the ecological perils besetting the earth.

As one pamphlet produced in the context of the mobilization around the
Copenhagen climate summit last year pointed out: "Climate change is not just
an environmental issue. It is but one symptom of a system ravaging our
planet and destroying our communities."

Far from being distracted by climate change, the ecosocialist Left
understands it as intimately related to the reigning global system of
production that endlessly reproduces the unjust disparities of wealth and
power that have always been the object of the Left's opposition. How can
Cockburn, Noble, and Zizek argue with that?

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