"Letter to the Left Establishment"

Bill Fletcher, Tom Hayden and "The Letter"


Responding to the 'Letter to the Left Establishment'
regarding Obama

By Bill Fletcher, Jr.

A so-called Letter to the Left Establishment critical
of the Obama administration has been circulating for a
few days.  The letter is a bit odd because if you do
not read it carefully, it appears that the people named
in the first paragraph, including yours truly, are
actually asking people to sign on.  In reality the
Letter is a criticism of several individuals who
offered varying degrees of support to the candidacy of
President Obama in 2008.  On the grounds of confusion
alone the Letter should be withdrawn and the
signatories should request that their names be removed.

"But what is odder to me is that the Letter has all
sorts of implications.  The Letter calls upon those
named in the first paragraph to criticize the policies
of the Obama administration, as if we have not.  It
implies that we have been silent about major decisions
of the Obama administration that have been wrong.  It
recites a list of decisions, approaches, etc., by the
Obama administration as if any of this is new to those
of us identified in the first paragraph.

"None of this is new.  And the authors of the Letter
should know that.  In fact, if they happened to have
been in a cave for the last couple of years and did not
keep up with the news, they could have Googled the
names of most of the people listed in the first
paragraph and found that we have been generally
outspoken in our criticisms as well as involved in
organizing to put pressure on the administration.

"For these reasons i have been trying to figure out
what the intent of the Letter actually is.

"I am not going to speak for anyone else.  In 2008 i
reluctantly came to the conclusion that a position of
critical support of Obama was the correct stand.
"Reluctantly" because i had a number of concerns about
Obama, most of which have been realized.  Nevertheless
i was impressed by the congealing of forces that i
believed had the potential to do something progressive
in the political realm irrespective of the actions of
Obama-the-individual.  I actually still believe that
this is possible and not too late.

"In 2008, i and several others mentioned in the Letter
also suggested that if there was no pressure from the
Left and progressives on Obama, assuming he was
elected, that we would find ourselves in deep trouble.
In fact, people used to joke with me immediately before
and immediately after the November 2008 election
because i would be asked how much of a honeymoon period
Obama should receive and my answer was always the same:
"24 hours." I insisted, as did many of my colleagues,
that we could not, in effect, give Obama any honeymoon
period and that pressure had to start from the
beginning.  We were correct.

"The Letter reads as if those named in the first
paragraph have been sitting on their hands or standing
at the gates refusing to permit the masses to pass
through and challenge Obama.  I am not sure whether the
authors are standing in some parallel universe, but in
this one i see no evidence of that at all.  There are
differences, some over tactics while others over
strategy, among those named in the first paragraph, but
precisely for that reason it is odd that the names
would all be thrown together as if someone were
actually trying to stir up confusion and promote
disinformation.  I don't know, but i have actually seen
a film much like this before.

"So, assuming that there is loving intent from the
authors--and i am certainly not critical of the
signatories--then i would say, i agree with many of the
criticisms they have offered of the Obama
administration; i have offered many of those criticisms
already; i have been active, as have most of my
colleagues, in trying to engage liberal and progressive
social forces in the need to both combat the political
Right as well as put the pressure on the Democrats;
and, guess what? I will continue to, and i am assuming
that my colleagues will as well.

"Oh, and while i am at it, one thing that the authors
of the Letter did not address was the question of the
African American electorate.  I don't know about you,
but how we handle the question of this administration
is particularly dicey when the African American
electorate feels, overwhelmingly, that Obama is under
an intense racist assault from the political Right
(which is, as you know, quite correct).  This basic
question of the African American electorate and huge
portions of the Latino electorate means that our
electoral tactics in the coming two years will have to
be handled very carefully, even while we put the
pressure on this administration and struggle against
its defense of warmed over neo-liberalism.

"It might have been a good idea, and this is only a
suggestion, for the authors of the Letter to have
reached out to those mentioned in the first paragraph
rather than trying to embarrass us.  It certainly would
have been more principled, but it would have also made
them look less foolish or mis-informed yet
well-intentioned individuals (which ever applies) when
one examines the actual record.

"In solidarity,

Bill Fletcher,Jr.

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