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I find Joaquins posts educative and interesting even if I don't always agree
him. But I think he is off track here. Many white people revere him for all
the wrong reasons
(eg Attenbrough's "Ghandi".

And many millions of Indians do not revere him at all.

The people of Pakistan who were Indians throughout most of Ghandis life
certainly do
not revere him.

Muslims still within India do not revere him.

The millions of untouchables-who Ghandi opposed having their own political
power- do not revere him.

Even those who claim to revere him such as Congress in fact scarcely give
lip service to him
rejecting non-violence in practice-rejecting his economic ideas in theory
and practice and
happily miring themselves in coruption and cronyism.

Finally he was killed by a Hindu extremist.

I think its highly likely that Ghandi is more revered by some non-Indians
than he is by
many Indians.
Greg Adler

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Joaquín Bustelo <jbust...@bellsouth.net>wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> On 1/30/2011 12:30 PM, Michael Smith wrote:
>>  Remember that Gandhi is the father
>>> >  of our nation and and is revered by all of us, Indians.
> Perhaps. Alas, this reverence does not necessarily extend
>> to all non-Indians.
> Yeah, especially white people.
> Joaquín
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