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Mumia's take on these events won't be news to readers of Marxmail. But they're certainly on the mark politically. Washington and the U.S. media are trying to distance themselves from the Mubarak regime now that it's final days approach. That may work for those who rely on the US media and who have short memory spans, as most people in the US certainly do. We're residents of the country where Henry Ford famously said, "History is bunk". Washington and its allies in the media, and on the ground in Egypt are doing whatever they can to encourage memory loss. Not only that, they're furthermore trying to influence events on the ground in the interests of maintaining as much stability as can be maintained. In Israel the ruling class must be shaking in their boots as they observe the tottering of reactionary regimes throughout the Middle East. We are living in interesting and inspiring times! I'm off to Havana tomorrow and plan to send out some reports on the changes which are going on there. Walter Lippmann Los Angeles, California ========================================== THE WIKILEAKS EFFECT by Mumia Abu-Jamal lchirino | February 4, 2011 at 4:32 pm URL: http://wp.me/pLgvg-do As these words are being scribbled, U.S. 'allies' in the Middle East are trembling. From the streets of Tunis, to Alexandria, to Cairo, tens of thousands are demanding not only democracy, but an end to their dictatorships --dictatorships, by the way, armed and supported by the U.S. Empire. What drove these people into the streets were the sickening revelations of the puppetry, corruption and abject servility of their leaders to U.S. and Western interests. Many of these leaders, who've led for lifetimes, have amassed enormous fortunes while generations of youth pass through their lives jobless, unfulfilled and brutally bullied by the dictator's internal police forces, usually composed of people trained, equipped (or both) by U.S. agencies. Wikileaks revealed American diplomatic cables reflecting U.S. knowledge of and acquiescence to their puppet states corruption, torture and brutality. They didn't care how cruel nor corrupt these countries were, as long as they served U.S. interests -- i.e., "stability' -- or quiet in the face of U.S., Western or Israeli aggression in the region. Egypt receives billions of U.S bucks every year, to buttress its dictatorship. This spate of rebellions in Muslim states is especially important given the recent news that many leaders were privately urging the U.S. to attack Iran, for this shows well that few spoke for their people. They spoke for a narrow, parasitical ruling clique. If change comes to the region it won't be because of U.S. efforts, but in spite of them. --(c) '11 maj ========================================= WALTER LIPPMANN Los Angeles, California Editor-in-Chief, CubaNews http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CubaNews/ "Cuba - Un ParaĆso bajo el bloqueo" ========================================= ________________________________________________ Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/archive%40mail-archive.com