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While in general agreement with Louis' views on all things WWP, the below
passage strikes me as equivocal about Gadhafi, an attempt at nuance.  It
clearly makes reference to the "neo-liberal turn" without calling it that:

After the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 and leveled much of
Baghdad with a bombing campaign that the Pentagon
exultantly called ?shock and awe,? Gadhafi tried to ward
off further threatened aggression on Libya by making big
political and economic concessions to the imperialists. He
opened the economy to foreign banks and corporations; he
agreed to IMF demands for ?structural adjustment,?
privatizing many state-owned enterprises and cutting state
subsidies on necessities like food and fuel.

The Libyan people are suffering from the same high prices
and unemployment that underlie the rebellions elsewhere
and that flow from the worldwide capitalist economic

Of course calling this an attempt 'to ward off further threatened
aggression' by adopting measures that make that aggression unnecessary is an
irony apparently beyond the grasp of the WWP writer.   But WWP equivocation
is matched by that of the White House and US government, which has yet to
come out in favor of deposing Gadhafi.


> Progressive people are in sympathy with what they see as a popular
> movement in Libya. We can help such a movement most by supporting
> its just demands while rejecting imperialist intervention, in
> whatever form it may take. It is the people of Libya who must
> decide their future.

You will notice not a single word about the neoliberal turn in
this article. As I pointed out originally, which probably led to
this intervention by a non-subscriber, the WWP is living in the
past. This is *not* 1969 or 1979 any longer. It is as if writing
about the PLO today as if it were the early 70s. Marxists who do
not keep pace with historical events are not very good Marxists at
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