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> It's great you Marxists on this list can keep directing attention on what a
> discreditable guy Gaddafi is, while avoid exposing US war plans on Libya.
> Isn't something more required of Marxists than being lemmings jumping an the
> imperialist bankwagon?


> Boy, all this talk about the outrages against the people of Libya by Qaddafi
> just melts away when we are asked to stand up against imperialist
> intervention against them. That's quite a lesson in the phoniness and
> hypocrasy of the people on this list.

Actually this thread exists because some of us "Marxists on this list" did post
on that subject. The fact that not everyone agrees on the likelihood of US or
NATO intervention doesn't mean some of us aren't real Marxists. And the fact
that people on this list criticise Gaddafi and would like to see him deposed by
a popular uprising doesn't mean we're not real Marxists either,or that we're
jumping on an imperialist bandwagon.

Here are a few quotes from a staunch anti-imperialist organisation that most of
us take seriously as a group based in and operating in the Middle East,
constantly under fire (literally, not metaphorically) for their opposition to
imperialism generally and its local agents specifically, speaking on the subject
of Gaddafi and the current rising against him. Are they a bunch of
imperialist-tailing lemmings? Is this "quite a lesson in the phoniness and
hypocrasy of" the Palestinian resistance?

"PFLP condemns Gaddafi regime's massacres against the Libyan people

"The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine demanded an immediate end to
the bombardment and massacres against the heroic Libyan people, condemning the
killing of demonstrators committed by the Gaddafi regime.

"The PFLP demanded the protection of the Libyan people and thei rights, and
emphasized its support for the demands of the people of Libya and the Arab
masses for freedom, human and national dignity, democracy, social justice, and
the fight against corruption and dictatorship.

"The Front demanded an immediate end to the bloody aggression and oppression and
called upon all forces for rights and human dignity in the Arab world and
relevant international institutions to act immediately to stop the shedding of
Arab blood in the fields and streets of Libya, saying that the criminal regime
cares for nothing but its own rule and livelihood at the expense of the
enslavement of the homeland and its people.

"The Front called for broad humanitarian and national solidarity with the people
of Libya, calling upon all to participate in the rally callled for by the
Network of NGOs and National and Islamic Forces in Manara Square, calling for an
end to occupation and division and solidarity with the Arabs in Libya and the
Arab masses in all countries."



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