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The point is well made. But aren't those the views of Willi
Langthaler, the writer, responding to Arundhati Roy, who said she was
"anxious" about the support the rebellions enjoy in the western media?

-----Original Message-----
ah.edu] On Behalf Of sobuadha...@hushmail.com
Sent: February 26, 2011 11:18 AM
To: rfidle...@sympatico.ca
Subject: [Marxism] Arhundati Roy on the struggle in Libya

Excerpts from an interview with the
Anti-Imperialist Camp discussing Western media support for the
insurgents in Libya. 

However, support by the western media
machinery won't automatically create a
pro-western movement. Of course there are forces in Libya-as well as
in Egypt and in Tunisia-who seek salvation in the west, but the main
forces of the rebellion are the middle and lower classes, and they
combine democratic demands with social and anti-imperialist demands.
This also seems to be the case in Libya, where the average standard of
living is much higher than in other Maghreb countries, but just as in
the oil monarchies of the Gulf, the oil rent is distributed in a very
unequal way and political power is monopolised. The rebellion is thus
absolutely legitimate, even though it is not motivated by hunger as it
is in Egypt..

The jubilations of the western media are very myopic and misplaced
indeed, maybe delusional.
 They are hoping for a colour revolution like those staged in eastern
Europe, but the Arab world has been the victim of 150 years of brutal
colonialism and neo-colonialism, permanent Israeli aggression,
numerous US-led wars, neoliberal pillage decorated with pro-western
oil princes who flaunt a Disney Arabia to the starving masses. 
A few rabid liberal democracy criers won't be enough to turn around
the legitimate hatred of the masses against the west which has been
nurtured for generations.

In the Middle East and in the Arab world, democracy means

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