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U.S. Citizens Must Say No to Economic and Military Intervention in Libya 
[UNACpeace.org / Globalresearch.ca]
Zuo Shou / 左手 | March 4, 2011 at 7:58 am | Categories: Bahrain, Egypt, 
International Action Center, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, US imperialism, USA | URL: 

AP News, March 2, has just announced “two U.S. warships entered the Suez Canal 
on their way to the Mediterranean, moving closer to the Libyan coast after 
orders from Defense Secretary Robert Gates.”

It is of great importance that the United National Antiwar Committee, 
UNACpeace.org, a major broad-based antiwar coalition in the United States, in 
the midst of escalating preparations for U.S. military action in Libya, has 
issued a unified statement opposing all forms of U.S. intervention in Libya, 
including No-Fly Zones and Sanctions.

This statement, drafted by well-known antiwar activist Kathy Kelly, was based 
on thorough discussions and unanimous decision of the UNAC Steering Committee. 
UNACpeace.org has more than 400 endorsing organizations and major bi-coastal 
antiwar demonstrations planned on April 9 in NYC and April 10 in San Francisco.

To have such a clearly defined position against U.S. sanctions, intervention or 
military action of any form and major mass demonstrations planned for April 9 & 
10 mobilizing during this time of escalating war preparation projects UNAC into 
the center of the debate.

The statement of the United National Antiwar Committee is reproduced again 
below. As a member of the UNACpeace Steering Committee, I wholeheartedly 
support this statement.

…For Unity and Solidarity,

Sara Flounders, International Action Center & Member of UNAC Steering Committee

United National Antiwar Committee, UNACpeace.org Statement on Libya

At great risks to their lives, activists organizing to oppose oppressive, 
dictatorial regimes in the Middle East and North Africa have inspired us by 
their courage and determination.  

We ruefully acknowledge past and continuing U.S. support for dictatorships and 
military rule in the region.  We recognize that the U.S. has been directly 
involved in supplying weapons and other forms of support to regimes that have 
committed atrocious human rights abuses against civilians.  Conscious of our 
responsibility to stop the United States from further manipulations that would 
interfere with movements on behalf of true democratic developments in other 
countries, UNAC calls for an immediate halt to U.S.  intervention in regions 
and countries where mass mobilizations are challenging oppressive regimes.

We have seen the horrific consequences of U.S./UN imposed economic sanctions 
against Iraq, as well as the consequences of U.S./UN operation of “no-fly 
zones” over northern and southern Iraq, prior to the U.S. Shock and Awe attacks 
and invasion.

We therefore oppose any form of U.S. military or economic intervention in 
Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Tunisia and other countries where movements are rising 
in opposition to dictatorships and military rule.    

     Havana, Cuba
     Editor-in-Chief, CubaNews
     "Cuba - Un Paraíso bajo el bloqueo"

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