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No, there's no exception except the earlier history of the tyrant. Like in so many previous cases, the leader of an earlier revolution which has not resulted in continuing democratic activities of the masses (whether these are regarded as proletarians, peasants - or any other name by us Marxists - but where the social composition of the populace goes some way to explain what happened in the interim) that (a popular) leader of the revolution found himself forced into the situation of a tyrant (cf. Joseph Stalin; or even Bonaparte) and becomes completely separated from the humanistic ideals of the revolution, with only HIS power remaining as the important result of the revolution. We have two examples remaining today - Qadaffi in Libya and Mugabe in Zimbabwe - and as one who in his youth regarded Joseph Stalin as an examplar (as he undoubtedly was - compared to the others sharing the world stage during the time of the rise of fascism, the invasion of Abyssinia, the Spanish Civil War and during WW2) - eventually became one who could only be regarded as a unconscionable tyrant. History has, so to speak, left these people behind - they have become embarrassments to the continuing revolutionary tradition. It is, for me, a sorrow that such people have been unable to adept themselves to the changes in the world around them, and so have become individuals to be execrated rather than admired - that their earlier contributions are just forgotten rather than inscribed in the complicated history of the struggle of the common people against their exploiters. History has left Qadaffi behind. He imagines himself living in a period which has passed .... Paddy http://apling.freeservers.com -----Original Message----- From: marxism- P<small>OST</small> O<small>FFICE</small>.—bounces+e.c.apling=btinternet....@greenhouse.eco nomics.utah.edu [mailto:marxism-bounces+e.c.apling=btinternet....@greenhouse.economics.utah. edu] On Behalf Of Louis Proyect Sent: 04 March 2011 3:24 PM To: e.c.apl...@btinternet.com Subject: [Marxism] A Libyan exception? <cut> Libya, so it goes, should be treated as an "exception" because the "revolution there is stage-managed by the CIA" which targets Qaddafi for elimination because of his "anti-imperialist" posture in the Middle East, a posture that extended to other parts of the world through (what is portrayed as) his unconditional support for national liberation movements. Libya further should be treated as an "exception" because Qaddafi is an Arab socialist and his socialism has given (apparently) Libyans a life way better than most Arabs; in fact, even better than the life of some people in the West. ________________________________________________ Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/archive%40mail-archive.com