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U.S. Wavers on 'Regime Change'


WASHINGTON—After weeks of internal debate on how to respond to
uprisings in the Arab world, the Obama administration is settling on a
Middle East strategy: help keep longtime allies who are willing to
reform in power, even if that means the full democratic demands of
their newly emboldened citizens might have to wait.

A fighter for the Libyan rebels prepares for battle Friday against
forces loyal to Col. Moammar Gadhafi, on a day when the two sides
waged a fierce battle near Tripoli.

Instead of pushing for immediate regime change—as it did to varying
degrees in Egypt and now Libya—the U.S. is urging protesters from
Bahrain to Morocco to work with existing rulers toward what some
officials and diplomats are now calling "regime alteration."

The approach has emerged amid furious lobbying of the administration
by Arab governments, who were alarmed that President Barack Obama had
abandoned Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and worried that, if the
U.S. did the same to the beleaguered king of Bahrain, a chain of
revolts could sweep them from power, too, and further upend the
region's stability.

The strategy also comes in the face of domestic U.S. criticism that
the administration sent mixed messages at first in Egypt, tentatively
backing Mr. Mubarak before deciding to throw its full support behind
the protesters demanding his ouster. Likewise in Bahrain, the U.S.
decision to throw a lifeline to the ruling family came after sharp
criticism of its handling of protests there. On Friday, the kingdom's
opposition mounted one of its largest rallies, underlining the
challenge the administration faces selling a strategy of more gradual
change to the population.

Administration officials say they have been consistent throughout,
urging rulers to avoid violence and make democratic reforms that
address the demands of their populations. Still, a senior
administration official acknowledged the past month has been a
learning process for policy makers. "What we have said throughout this
is that there is a need for political, economic and social reform, but
the particular approach will be country by country," the official

A pivotal moment came in late February, in the tense hours after Mr.
Obama publicly berated King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa for cracking down
violently on antigovernment demonstrators in Bahrain's capital. Envoys
for the king and his Arab allies shuttled from the Pentagon to the
State Department and the White House with a carefully coordinated

If the Obama administration did not reverse course and stand squarely
behind the monarchy, they warned, Bahrain's government could fall,
costing America a critical ally and potentially moving the country
toward Iran's orbit. Adding to the sense of urgency was a scenario
being watched by U.S. intelligence agencies: the possibility that
Saudi Arabia might invade its tiny neighbor to silence the Shiite-led
protesters, threatening decades-old partnerships and creating vast
political and economic upheaval.

Washington's Approach

"We need the full support of the United States," a top Bahraini
diplomat beseeched the Americans, including Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen, Assistant Secretary of State Jeffery
Feltman, Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough, and other
top policy makers.

Arab diplomats believe the push worked. Defense Secretary Robert Gates
and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton emerged as leading voices
inside the administration urging greater U.S. support for the Bahraini
king coupled with a reform agenda that Washington insisted would be
have to be credible to street protesters. Instead of backing cries for
the king's removal, Mr. Obama asked protesters to negotiate with the
ruling family, which is promising major changes.

Israel was also making its voice heard. As Mr. Mubarak's grip on power
slipped away in Egypt, Israeli officials lobbied Washington to move
cautiously and reassure Mideast allies that they were not being
abandoned. Israeli leaders have made clear that they fear extremist
forces could try to exploit new-found freedoms and undercut Israel's
security, diplomats said.
Regional Upheaval

"Starting with Bahrain, the administration has moved a few notches
toward emphasizing stability over majority rule," said a U.S.
official. "Everybody realized that Bahrain was just too important to

An exception to the policy of regime alteration is Libya, a longtime
U.S. adversary partially rehabilitated by the Bush administration
after Tripoli agreed to give up its nuclear program. Mr. Obama's
initial reaction was muted, but he later criticized Col. Moammar
Gadhafi for committing acts of violence against his own people and
called for the dictator to step aside. Critics say the response has
been too slow and that military action is needed.

The emerging approach could help slow the pace of upheaval to avoid
further violence, the administration's top priority, and help preserve
important strategic alliances. At the same time, the approach carries
risk. Autocratic governments might not deliver on their reform
promises, making Washington look like it was doing their bidding at
the public's expense. Officials said the administration's response in
Bahrain, Yemen and elsewhere could change if people take to the
streets en masse, rejecting offers made at the negotiating table, or
if the U.S.-backed governments crack down violently. Indeed,
administration officials say the White House is not "unconditionally"
behind the monarchy in Bahrain, and has made clear that the U.S.
expected to see quick progress on reforms and restraint by security

The U.S. is trying a Bahrain-like formula in Morocco, supporting King
Mohammed VI, and in Yemen, whose weak central government has been
headed by autocratic President Ali Abdullah Saleh for nearly 33 years.
The approaches signal Washington's willingness to vary its strategy
depending on its interests and the willingness of autocratic leaders
to respond to popular protests.

The lobbying push on behalf of Bahrain was led by the Gulf Cooperation
Council. In addition to Bahrain, the council includes the Persian Gulf
states of Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab

In private meetings late last month with Washington policy makers,
cooperation council envoys drove home the message that Bahrain could
be a "model" that the Obama administration could follow to advance
democratic reforms without fueling unrest that could further
destabilize the region.

The Arab diplomats found a particularly receptive ear in the Pentagon.
As Egypt began to sway, some U.S. military officers had doubts about
the administration's approach. The U.S. military has strong ties with
the country. Some worried that the U.S. was moving too quickly to push
aside a steadfast ally and that radical change in Cairo could
destabilize the region.

Those concerns were shared by Israel and several key Arab allies, who
were "furious" at the Obama administration for ignoring their appeals
to allow Mr. Mubarak a graceful exit, a senior European military
official said. But administration officials argued that with hundreds
of thousands of protesters on the streets, they had little choice but
to turn on Mr. Mubarak sooner rather than later. Indeed, the
administration has been criticized by human-rights groups for not
standing more squarely with democracy advocates from the start.

Though initially skeptical, the Pentagon came around to the White
House's view that if Mr. Mubarak clung to power, there would be little
chance for real reform. But the Pentagon's perspective was far
different when trouble began in Bahrain.

The protest movement in Bahrain began gathering in intensity on Feb.
14, after police killed a protester and injured 25 more. Over the
following days, six more demonstrators were killed and more than 200
injured, as reports circulated that the Bahraini government was moving
in military equipment to disperse the protestors.

At an emergency meeting in Manama, the capital city, on Feb. 17,
leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council backed Bahrain's response to
the protests and the Bahraini foreign minister warned that the kingdom
was at the "brink of sectarian abyss."

The White House watched the developments with alarm, especially
reports that Bahraini forces had fired on the crowd from helicopters.
A State Department official phoned a top Bahraini diplomat and
demanded an accounting of the events, a person familiar with the
exchange said. Bahraini officials told their American counterparts
that witnesses mistook a long telephoto lens for a rifle and that the
helicopters never opened fire.

The next day, however, the Bahraini army fired on protesters again. In
a call to the king, Mr. Obama condemned the violence used against
"peaceful protesters," and urged the king to direct his security
forces to punish those responsible for the bloodshed, according to the
White House.

Arab diplomats reacted with alarm to the U.S. condemnation. They
believed the administration might be returning to the Egyptian
playbook, according to officials and diplomats.

Inside the Pentagon, Mr. Gates and his team were quick to point out
that Bahrain represented a very different situation than Egypt's.

Bahrain has a restive Shiite majority that has long felt cut off from
the opportunities available to the country's Sunni royal family and
social elite.

The country is the headquarters of the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet, which
patrols the Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf and Red Sea. Some at the
Pentagon feared that Shiite-led Iran might try to hijack the protest
movement in Bahrain and back installation of an anti-American

Though skeptical of Bahraini claims that Iran and its Lebanese proxy,
Hezbollah, were instigating Shiite protests, U.S. and European
officials fear the crisis could benefit Tehran. The Mideast turmoil
has driven up oil prices, helping Tehran refill its coffers and
withstand international sanctions aimed at curbing its nuclear

On Feb. 20, as two Bahraini diplomats made their case to top policy
makers in Washington, Adm. Mullen, the Joint Chiefs chairman, arrived
in Saudi Arabia as part of a week-long visit to Arab allies.

On the top of the agenda of his Arab counterparts: Bahrain. Adm.
Mullen was straightforward about his intentions to reassure the Saudis
and other Arab allies that the U.S. would live up to its security
commitments, and remained a friend.

In Bahrain, the royal family scrambled to show it was complying with
American demands. In the following days, King Khalifa stood down his
forces and Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa issued a public
call for the start of a "national dialogue" with opposition groups.
Privately, Bahraini officials assured their U.S. counterparts that the
killing of the protesters was due not to government policy but a
breakdown in the chain of command.

On Feb. 23, Adm. Mullen arrived in Manama and gave a full-throated
endorsement to the national dialogue, a message endorsed by Mr. Gates.

As he has at some other critical national security debates within the
administration, Mr. Gates found his most important ally in Mrs.

Still, while Bahrain's government believed the Pentagon's support for
a national dialogue on reforms was clear, the country's diplomats
worried the White House was not on board.

On Thursday, Feb. 24, National Security Adviser Tom Donilon spoke with
the crown prince and, according to a White House statement, voiced
"strong support" for efforts to "initiate an open dialogue on
political reform with the full spectrum of Bahraini society."

But Bahrain and its allies in the Gulf Cooperation Council wanted the
administration to give the initiative higher-level endorsement.
Without overt U.S. support from Mr. Obama or Mrs. Clinton, the Arab
envoys argued, Bahraini protesters were liable to up their demands.

The "Bahrain model," they said, offered the administration an
alternative to their Egypt approach and could be a solution not only
to the crisis in Manama, but also a template for dealing with Morocco
or even, potentially, Yemen.

On Sunday, Feb. 27, the White House threw its support behind King
Khalifa. The same day, William Burns, under secretary of state for
political affairs, delivered a similar message to Morocco's King
Mohammed VI, another key Arab ally facing unrest, calling the North
African country "a model of economic, social, and political reform."

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