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On 3/11/2011 1:43 PM, Néstor Gorojovsky wrote:

What strikes me as true is that Manuel and the majority of this list
are almost desperate to continue denying the murderer news agencies of
imperialist nations a benefit of doubt.

Frankly, I wouldn't care if not a single jet had been deployed against the revolutionaries.

The real issue is a despot's control of society for 41 years. Even if he ruled more benevolently than he has since the neoliberal turn in 2004, there is still the question of how revolutionary socialists should regard absolutism of this sort.

For many reasons, Fidel Castro has not been as sensitive to questions of popular rule as Marx, Engels, Lenin and other classical Marxists have been. Considering the close connections he had at one time to the USSR, it was understandable why--for example--he backed the suppression of the Czechoslovakian experiment in socialism with a human face in 1968.

But it is becoming more and more necessary for the socialism of the 21st century to stake out a new approach to democratic norms. That is why it is so dismaying to see Hugo Chavez equivocating on Libya.


A Socialist Society, Fundamentally Democratic

Chávez has stressed the fundamentally democratic nature of twenty-first century socialism. He warns that “we must not slip into the errors of the past,” into the “Stalinist deviation,” which bureaucratized the party and ended up eliminating people’s protagonism.71

The practical and negative experience of real socialism in the political sphere cannot make us forget that, according to classic Marxist tenets, post-capitalist society always has been associated with full democracy. Marx and some of his followers called it communism, others have called it socialism, and I agree with García Linera that it doesn’t really matter what term we use. What does matter is the content.

Few people are familiar with a brief text about the state by Lenin, which is contained in a notebook and predates his book The State and Revolution. In it, he says that socialism must be conceived of as the most democratic society, in contrast to bourgeois society, where there is democracy for a minority only. Comparing socialism to capitalism, Lenin observes that, in the latter, there is democracy for the rich only and for a small layer of the proletariat, whereas in the transition to socialism, there is almost full democracy. Democracy, at this stage, is not yet complete because of the unignorable will of the majority, which must be imposed on those who do not wish to submit to the majority will. However, once communist society is reached, democracy will be finally complete.72

This view was inspired by the writings of Marx and Engels, who said that the society of the future would make possible the full development of all human potential. Fully developed human beings would replace the fragmented human beings produced by capitalism. As Friedrich Engels writes, in his first draft of The Communist Manifesto, we must “organize society in such a way that every member of it can develop and use all his capabilities and powers in complete freedom and without thereby infringing the basic conditions of this society.” “In Marx’s final version of the Manifesto,” this new society appears as an “association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.”73

But how long will it take us to reach this goal? History has shown that “heaven” cannot be taken by storm, that a long historical period is needed to make the transition from capitalism to a socialist society. Some talk in terms of decades, others in terms of hundreds of years, still others think that socialism is the goal we must pursue but that perhaps we may never completely reach.

We call this historical period “the transition to socialism.”

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