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Japan battles  nuclear meltdown 
It was fighting to  contain a rapidly escalating nuclear emergency at a 
partial meltdown at a  40-year-old power plant 
Central bank to  provide Y3,000bn to soothe markets    .                
In Miyagi  prefecture, at least 10,000 could be dead, with 2,000 nationally 
confirmed  Stricken by earthquake and then tsunami, Japan now faces a third 
lethal peril,  one with global consequences 
The explosion at  Fukushima-the worst disaster to hit the nuclear industry 
since the catastrophe  at Chernobyl-will fuel doubts about the 'renaissance' 
of the  sector 
The earthquake cut  power to the system and the tsunami failed the backup 
diesel generators failed  and additional backup batteries soon became  
Fuel rods in the  core were exposed to the air and overheated 
This produced  hydrogen gas which had to be vented and when it combined 
with the oxygen in the  outer containment building, a blast resulted, blowing 
the building  apart 
In an effort to  keep the core cool, it is flooded with sea water 
If the damaged core  seriously overheats fuel could melt the bottom of the 
containment  vessel 
>From Todays  FTGeorge Anthony
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