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Opposing Qaddaffi has "helped create the global climate fostering foreign
intervention in Libya" - why not just outright accuse comrades holding this
position of being dupes of imperialism or maybe even paid agents?

Good riddance to this agent provocateur!

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 8:42 AM, Néstor Gorojovsky <nmg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ============================================================
> I guess that the rope with which, on "Leftist" arguments such as those
> exposed by Dan R., the Bolivian President Villarroel was hanged in
> 1943, is kept in some "Leftist"´s sectarian party HQ somewhere in La
> Paz. Ask them to lend it to you, proletarian Dan, so you can hang the
> Libyan people with it now that your positions have helped create the
> global climate fostering foreign intervention in Libya.
> And this is final.
> I need fresh air, please Louis Pr. unsub me from your list, which I
> have loved so much for such a long time.
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