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Schoenberg was not a Nazi sympathiser, in any sense. His antipathy towards the Nazis was clear from the 1920s onwards. He was involved with some Marxist organisations in his youth (I don't know the details of which), but turned into a relatively mainstream conservative in later life. During WW1 he was something of a patriot, but that doesn't make him a Nazi.

There are many ways in which music can be considered to have a political dimension, with or without text. Music-making is a social phenomenon, which interacts with a wide range of expectations and pre-existing ideologies. If that isn't political, I don't know what is. Plato went into quite some detail about which types of harmonies would or wouldn't be allowed in his Republic. There was plenty of discontent amongst the Papal authorities during the Renaissance with respect to the extent to which music was becoming ornate, melismatic, etc., such as enabled it to obtain a degree of abstraction, and thus not be wholly in the service of the sacred message. The Zhdanov doctrine of the late-1940s explicitly denounced various Soviet composers (Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Khatchaturian), for 'formalism', for pursuing formal musical directions which couldn't be wholly explained in terms of the glorification of Stalinist-style communism. And so on and so forth - there are many many more examples.

It would be simplistic to see music's political meaning as an intrinsic and immutable property of 'works', as various works have encountered changing hermeneutical readings in different times and places. But music is about more than just works, it is a whole field of social practice, which deserves to be analysed as much as any other such field.


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