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Did I get my point across, that great loss of life was suffered by
European Jewery in the Holocaust and that great loss of life was also
suffered under MAo Ze Dong (millions of children, mothers, fathers,
slaughtered) ?
But while Hitler is regarded as the very embodiment of evil, Mao is let
off with a nod and a wink, because the present Chinese regime is
supposedly based on Mao's CP (even though it is clear from historical
records that Mao was not even a member of the Chinese CP when it was
Many cruelties could be recorded. Children starved to death, their little 
bodies flung into the 
Yang-Tse. Not just one or two, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. The Red Terror in the 
countryside, Mao 
calmly telling the governors of each province that 18% of a province's 
population was
"bourgeois" and had to be slaughtered. Mao giving instructions on how the
security apparatus could best accomplish the murder of 1.3 million people in 
"Begin small, then high, then small again, so that nobody knows who will be 
next. But make sure they all die."
"With so many dead" a cheerful Mao remarked "for the peasants, there is only 
one clear choice :
towards Socialism". 
Towards Socialism. What noble words, and what a noble endeavor. 
And yes, although it is frowned upon by the current Chinese government, I think 
documentation of Mao's democide (1954-1974)
is just as interesting as Hitler's democide (1940-1945). The problem is, I sure 
wouldn't want
discussion of Mao's democide to overshadow Auschwitz. 
Hey, speaking of mass murder of children, women and men, how far is Stalin 
guilty of the "Holodomor" in Ukraine ?
You know, when 4 to 6 million Ukrainians (modern historians say 4.7) were 
sentenced to death by starvation under 
direct orders from Stalin between 1933 and 1937 ?
But let's forget about Stalin and go back to Mao, who thought that the 5% 
extermination rate for Guang-Xi was too low and
ordered it to be raised to 8%. When the local security forces asked "who should 
be arrested and executed", Mao replied 
"it doesn't matter who. What is important is the effect : fear and absolute 
compliance for years to come."
A few years later, Mao would add : "Never let a peasant get used to eating 
meat. He should eat meat only twice a month and 
that should be enough for the construction of socialism. Eggs on the other hand 
are a great source of energy for manual laborers. 
If we can export every pig and import nothing, we will soon have the A-Bomb, 
even though the Russians play games with us."
Thus spake Chairman Mao. By the way the references I quote all come from the 
bibliography gathered in Halliday's despised
biograpĥy of Mao (which we all know is a complete lie, don't we, because Mao 

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