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[ The logic of these revolts is not socialist or even anti-capitalist.
But it will eventually lead in that direction. Neoliberalism and
imperialism are going to be fundamental barriers to this revolutionary
process but won't emerge as such until the people have managed to take
on and defeat their local strong man and elites. The decks have to
first be cleared for this to emerge as a really socialist struggle. We
need a certain amount of faith in the people and the working class if
we are going to be able to understand and have solidarity with this
movement. Imperialism is going to have a hell of a time crushing this,
though if Gadhaffi had managed to slaughter the revolution in Benghazi
I imagine it could have been rather demoralizing and put a serious
damper on things. The fact that imperialism didn't let this happen,
but instead has decided to pose as its savior, at least for the moment
(even as it turns a blind eye in Bahrain, Yemen and elsewhere), should
tell us something about the way imperialism operates and views its
interests in the region. -dave ]

Its the Popular Sovereignty, Stupid

Posted on 03/23/2011 by Juan

The logic of the Arab spring is about popular sovereignty. The people
power being displayed in the streets, on twitter and Facebook, is
intended to sweep away impediments to the expression of the will of
the people, mainly presidents for life. The Arab crowds are investing
their hopes in a new era of parliamentarism, in elections and
constitutions, in term limits and referendums, in the rule of law and
the principle that governmental authority must derive from the people.
It is not that they are John Stuart Mill liberals. The crowds have a
communitarian aspect, and demands jobs and for free formation of labor
unions and the right to bargain collectively form a key part of the
protest movements. But such labor organizing is also seen by movement
participants and part of the expression of the popular will.

That the movements have been so powerfully informed by this Rousseauan
impulse helps explain their key demands and why they keep spreading.
The progression is that they begin with a demand that the strong man
step down. If they get that, they want a dissolution of old corrupt
ruling parties and elites. They want parliamentary elections. They
want term limits for the president and reduction of presidential
powers. They want new constitutions, newly hammered out, and subject
to national referendums. They want an end to corruption and croneyism.
They aim for future governments to be rooted in the national will.

cont... http://www.juancole.com/2011/03/its-the-popular-sovereignty-stupid.html

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