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Isn't it marvellous that all these governments are determined to do
"something" about Colonel Gaddafi? For example Hillary Clinton said
she supported military action once the Arab League – made up of
countries such as Bahrain, Syria, Yemen and Saudi Arabia – backed the
air strikes. And it is encouraging that the policy of not tolerating a
dictator has the backing of so many dictators.

Some people might suggest that one way King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia,
for example, might reduce the number of Arab dictators, would be to
stop being an Arab dictator, but that's because they don't understand
how complicated these things can be.

But presumably, once Gaddafi's been dealt with, these dictators will
back a UN resolution to bomb themselves, declaring, "The international
community can no longer sit back and watch me trample on my own
people, so I must be stopped. I give myself three days to recognise
the opposition and call elections, otherwise I will assist Nato in
bombing myself. Or maybe I should assist them, as they've sold me so
many of their weapons they can't have many left."

Others will say the West might now turn a blind eye to repression that
happens in countries which have backed the bombing of Libya, but that
would mean an American government has bombed somewhere without being
honest about its motives, and that would be highly cynical. For
example, Hillary's comments about the need to act once the Arab League
asked for help explain why no government helped Gaza when it was
attacked two years ago. Because Gaza obviously forgot to ask. It's a
bit shy, I suppose, and didn't want to be any trouble.

But the person to be most sorry for is Tony Blair, who must feel like
one of these people who get interviewed when their neighbour's gone
berserk and shot everyone in the shopping centre. Tony will make a
statement soon that goes "I knew Mr Gaddafi for years. He just kept
himself to himself, I had no idea he'd end up like this. I even had my
photo taken with him after selling him dozens of tanks – who'd have
guessed he'd use them for military reasons? I'm shocked."

The main argument for the bombing seems to be that we have to do
something. This suggests that up until now we've been doing nothing,
which is true if you don't count drawing the boundaries of Arab
countries in the first place, installing an assortment of Kings and
helping them to fire on anyone who objected, backing every Israeli
invasion, arming the Shah, arming and financing a list of dictators as
long as they sent us their oil, invading Iraq and then making Tony
Blair the Middle-East poxy sodding peace envoy, to give his job its
full title.

This may explain why most Arabs are reluctant to welcome Western
backing, and why they might reply to a question from Britain and
America that went "Can we just do nothing?" by answering, "Why don't
you give it a go? For about a hundred years. Then we'll see how we're
getting on and get back to you".

So while the people of Benghazi must have been relieved that the UN
has forced Gaddafi back, it must be in the same way that if you were
being attacked by robbers you'd be relieved to see the Mafia turn up
and fire on them.

Then afterwards you'd have a new problem, that you owed them
something. And that might be the aim of the governments involved in
the bombing. Because none of them have ever seemed bothered whether
the regimes in the Middle East are democratic, or brutal, as long as
they're happy to trade their oil on favourable terms. They want to
make sure that whatever emerges from these rebellions, there are
rulers who will carry on with that arrangement.

Or maybe Britain and America have got that feeling you get at a
fairground when you can't knock the tins off the shelf with the little
spongy ball. It looks so easy, so after each attempt you hand over
another pound and say, "Right. One more go. Surely I'll get it right
this time. Here goes. Whoops!"

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