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On 2011-03-25, at 8:41 PM, Fred Feldman wrote:

> Apparently, the imperialists have decided that the proposals of the rebels
> are advantageous to them, and they are, with whatever divisions, orienting
> toward the goal of regime change and not just saving rebel lives. This seems
> to be fine with Achcar, Gandall, and (as far as I can tell) Proyect and
> others. I hope I am misreading them, but without more clarity, they cannot
> avoid these possible interpretations.

You're either very forgetful or deliberately provocative. For the nth time, I'm 
for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations between the two sides leading to a 
new constitution and elections. It's up to the Libyans to decide Ghadafi's 
fate. If they choose to give him a ceremonial post or allow him to retire to 
Saif's posh London home or some warmer retreat, that's their business. I'm 
opposed to new regimes being installed by foreign bayonets. What statements in 
Achcar's piece make you "read" him as being in favour? Specifics please.

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