Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

After having son and daughter-in-law for the weekend, and working through (much 
bigger than usual, collection of e-mails) I have found this thread (and the one 
on "evolution explanation idea's needed") most interesting and useful.

However, I think Dan's message should, perhaps, be the last word.  Her artice 
has provoked a most useful discussion, which I think our moderator and list 
originator has performed at his best.  The only point of his I would quibble at 
is (which contribution was this in?) his comparison with something in an 
article by Trotsky...

Now, Lou, if I were to use in one of my contributions a quote from Stalin 
(which I am unlikely to do, [I am more likely to quote from William Morris, Tom 
Paine - or any other English revolutionary] although I grew up to political, 
and Marxist, understanding regarding him as "Uncle Joe" (as so many of my 
elders wrote about him on the tanks they were making:  "Tanks for Joe") these 
two names S & T, should be verboten except in historical discussions, as 
neither have more than a strictly peripheral relevance to our current 
discussions and problems.  I think this was a very unusual contravention of 
Lou's own criteria for this list !!  (However, I will readily forgive him for 
this slip in the heat of the moment !!)

Still a whole days postings to read, so please forgive me if my comments are 
already out-of-date ....

I have gained considerable help to my thinking from all sides of the arguments. 
 I disagree on these issues with Chavez and even Fidel, but still admire all 
they have done and continue doing, so words of condemnation when we disagree 
are WHOLLY inappropriate.

I have now forgotten when else I was intending to say, so just send my 
comradely greetings to all members of the list.


-----Original Message-----
From: marxism-bounces+e.c.apling=btinternet....@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu 
 On Behalf Of Dan
Sent: 28 March 2011 7:49 PM
To: e.c.apl...@btinternet.com
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Laurie Penny's ultraleftist stupidity

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

What on earth is so wrong about Laurie Penny's piece ?

>>""A riot," said martin Luther King Jr, "is the language of the

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