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Discussion of the Arab Spring, the widespread revolts, beginning in Tunisia
and Egypt, but rapidly spreading right across the Middle East have,
naturally, dominated discussions, both on this list and on a myriad other

What has probably surprised me, with my long-term interest in Middle East
affairs - but with real contacts limited to 6 months Army service at
Qassassin in the Canal Zone of Egypt (with limited possibilities because of
the 1947/8 cholera epidemic) (and the army involved in trying to deal with
the crisis in Palestine),  with, some quarter-century later. a three-week
visit for a lecture course and advisory visit to Ein Shams University (then
the leading Egyptian Agricultural University, in Cairo), which resulted in
many long-time professional contacts (nearly all of whom were so demanding
of political discussions - with the Palestine problem still uppermost) ....

(Apologies for that long sentence !!)

What has surprised me is the extent of the immediate determination to
ORGANISE - on a basis which was really surprising after so many years of
repression (and, indeed, often rather better than we organise our
demonstrations in Britain !!).  And what I mean by surprising organisation
is not MERELY organising for political demands, but, in Egypt the immediate
organisation of medical facilities, rubbish clearance, organisation for
looking after lost property etc etc in Tahir Square - all of which would
have seemed impossible for such so long repressed masses to organise
themselves just from a realisation of the obvious need for these activities
along with the fighting for the political demands.

This attitude seems to have spread from country to country......  and is why
I have posted the Scientific Alliance Newsletter again this week - BECAUSE

It seems to me that we are in a situation when so many of our long-embraced
formulations for assessing a revolutionary situation and What Is To Be Done
need rethinking.  Neither Trotsky or Stalin experienced anything akin to
this.  Forget 'em.  

For a period, we have to think in terms of "the people" - embracing all but
the stooges of the old regimes.  The task now is just simply - end the old
regimes and open free discussion.

We have to learn a new language for meaningful and helpful discussion ....


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