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In a recent post about the world wide number 
of leftist parties, someone made a crack about 
the Communist Party of the Philippines being 
merely an armed extortion racket. That is a lie. 
Comrades of te CPP have for decades been fighting 
in  many forms and on many fronts, including 
armed struggle. 

Below is an excerpt of the tribute to Comrade 
Billy Beranna who who was killed in action after 
30 years participation in that struggle. The 
style of writing is common to this type of 
remembrance and I am sure it will strike 
some here as just crude propaganda. I prefer to 
think of the sacrifice a 44 year old man makes 
to soldier in the field under the conditions of 
guerrilla warfare against that rapacious, corrupt,
comprador dictatorship. Red Salute to a fallen 

THE LAST BRAVE STAND: The Communist Party of the 
Philippines' Tribute to Comrade Billy Berana 
(Ka Toklai/Ka Ebyong)

CPP-Far Southern Mindanao
/February 1, 2011/

"Withdraw now to safety while I take care of the enemy!" 
These were Ka Toklai's last final words as he bravely 
faced a platoon of 73rd IB contingents who were on a 
surprise patrol in the hinterland barrio of Malapatan, 
Sarangani Province about 2 pm of 26 January 2011. 
Together with Red fighters in ambush position, 
he bravely fought with his m16 rifle, hitting seven 
soldiers, two of whom were later pronounced dead in
the hospital. When Ka Toklai fell, the other comrades 
who were with him had already escaped to safety and 
were out of reach from the marauding
Scout Rangers of the AFP.

Billy Berana or Ka Toklai (also known as Ka Berka, 
Ka Ebyong, Ka Goyot,Ka Zero and many other names), 
who bravely offered his life to save his
companions, gives us a glimpse of the heroism 
and selflessness of the people's true warrior. 
He was the quintessential revolutionary who lived
and died serving the people wholeheartedly. He had 
dedicated the greater part of his life with the 
Lumad and peasant masses, braving the odds,
giving practical solutions and humor to the most 
difficult situations. He was 44 and had worked as an 
exemplary revolutionary for close to 30 years.

He was an organizer par excellence. Through his 
able leadership and dint of painstaking mass work, 
the comrades were able to build a relatively
large mass base in Compostela Valley, Cotabato, 
Bukidnon, Davao and Sarangani. He was North 
Cotabato's "recovery king" who penetrated many
unchartered territories in the past decade 
by using many unorthodox methods. For he was 
naturally talented and creative and he could pass
for a lumad, a farmer, a student, a pastor, a 
last-two usher, a fish vendor, a handicapped 
polio victim, etc. He could also speak so many
dialects and could mimic the accent of the 
masses in the area. Once, in order to penetrate 
the hostile areas of North Cotabato, Ka Toklai 
easily posed as a teenage girl in search of her 
relatives and thus was able to build contacts 
and organize peasant groups which eventually 
became the initial mass base. He was a chameleon 
revolutionary who blended with his surroundings 
so fully; his true identity was unknown up to 
the very end. The enemy never knew who he was 
until the time of his death.

And how the people loved him! Wherever he went, 
Ka Toklai was received as a son, a brother or 
a friend. People ran to him to solve their myriad
problems-- land conflicts, work conditions, 
interpretation of the law,medical problems and 
even the marital problems. Little children revolved
around him for friendship, comfort and fun. 
On many occasions he saved orphaned children 
from the tragedy of hunger or death by finding 
them a home. Coming from the family of a poor 
peasant himself, Ka Toklai would remind everyone 
that "while poverty is a reality we have to 
live with, we must always take care of the children, 
especially the peasant children."

His energy was boundless, and his enthusiasm infectious
--so infectious that his wife and three grown sons 
were inspired to join the movement and give their 
fair share of revolutionary work. He never
stopped consolidating his family, deepening their 
understanding of the revolution, teaching them 
the values of working for the people's struggle. 
"Kasamang Derpa" his children would lovingly talk 
about him and his 'escapades'-- proud and happy 
revolutionaries themselves whose dedication to 
the cause became a shining beacon to many 
revolutionary families in the region. 
"Bilib man gyud mi sa iya, bisan sa iyang
pagkaamahan (We are very proud of our father.)," 
texted one of his sons to the people attending 
his wake.

For all his achievements, Ka Toklai was a humble 
revolutionary who was open to criticism and 
suggestions. He admitted his mistakes and shortcomings 
easily and tried hard to rectify them. He also 
listened to everyone, young and old, and had the 
capacity to laugh at himself. His light-heartedness 
and good humor made the seemingly impossible possible.
He had no vices, no luxuries, no whims, and 
no caprices. He was simply Ka Toklai, the 
hardworking, funny, peasant revolutionary who 
has laid down his life for us and will forever 
live in our hearts as a beloved hero and a great 

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