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Not that I go to the site that often - but I happened to notice this item
on Le Nouvelle Observateur
suggesting that the Andoid phone is tracking also - although keeping only the 
last 50
cell tower locations and the last 200 WiFi access points.

Maybe this is pervasive through the whole industry? I haven't seen a statement 
yet as
to their justification for doing so.
Les téléphones équipés du système Android de Google enregistrent les 
localisations de
leurs utilisateurs, tout comme l'iPhone, révèlent le Wall Street Journal et le
Guardian du vendredi 22 avril.

Les smartphones et tablettes 3G Android gardent en mémoire les cinquante 
antennes de téléphonie mobile et les 200 derniers points d'accès Wi-Fi 
détectés. A
l'inverse, l'iPhone d'Apple conservent toutes les antennes et points d'accès. 
informations permettant de tracer les déplacements des utilisateurs.

- Bill

johnaimani wrote:
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(JAI: The article directly below from the Wall Stree Journal details Apple's secret tracking of users whereabouts without their consent or even knowledge. It is (bad word) complimented, no complemented (as they are two sides of the same coin), by an article from the Economist unveiling the existence of 'kill switches'-- operable at and promoting the interests of the US government--in military equipment lent or sold to foreign governments. This is dangerous. Who's to say that there doesn't also exist or will also exist another back-door directly to Apple and that all this info is being or could be or, even, has been sent and probably recorded? Cops will love this. Maybe, cops already love this. In the Economist article below such autonomous and/or remote controlled 'backdoor' switches for _military_ equipment are already in use. If they can get by with stashing it in that shit, they can most certainly get it past us. If the liberals want to make themselves a proper credit for a proper contribution to this great fight we are all (willingly or not) engaging in, then they could spend their time writing about and then writing and passing a law prohibiting such devices; knowing these people they will probably settle for a "Truth in Electronics Disclaimer" allowing such devices but telling us what we already know: they are there.)

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