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Isn't it weird how patriotism works.

I mean, you spend months bemoaning your compatriots' stupidity,
conservatism, gullibility, pigheadedness, and then... you travel abroad.
And as soon as you arrive in a foreign country, you suddenly feel the
urge to uphold the honor of your particular country.
Disparaging comments and silly stereotypes make your blood boil, and you
end up proudly explaining why your nation's values and mores are,
despite a few flaws, quite exemplary. Your people are hospitable,
trustworthy, resourceful, freedom-loving and yet with a deep sense of
the collective. 

I think much of the reaction coming from France to the news of Dominique
Strauss-Kahn's arrest is due both to sheer shock (imagine if Obama had
been arrested for rape in Paris a year before his election) and a sudden
resurgence of "national pride".
I mean, in France, forcing someone to have oral sex with you is a very
clear case of rape and carries harsh prison sentences. If DSK had done
that in PAris, he would have been sentenced to a few years in prison. OR
would he ?  If an ordinary French person had forced someone to perform
oral sex on him, he would have been sentenced to several years in
prison... but is it possible that DSK has already raped other women in
France and got away with it, because of his status ? Ah, the nagging

At the moment in France, the atmosphere is one of, yes, shock, as the
future president, the one expected to win the elections, ends up in a NY
cell for raping an African woman in a hotel. People tell me it feels
somehow surreal, as they thought such august individuals were above such
trifles, and had, well, "minders or, you know, err... bodyguards and
stuff" to take care of them, especially 11 months before an election.

All in all, I'm more than happy to see DSK go down the drain, even
though he is, in the PS's spokesman's words "innocent until proven
guilty". He represents Social Democracy in its final, inevitable
conflation with "neo-liberalism" (US and French), or rather Keynesianism
without the Social Works industrialization projects. Just keeping
interest rates down and giving tax breaks to corporations to "stimulate
investment" and casualizing the workforce in the name of "providing jobs
for everyone".

The Socialist PArty will win the elections anyhow, no matter who they
field as a candidate. And the policies they will introduce will be the
same as those they pursued in the 1980s and 1990s : wage freezes, tax
breaks for the rich, moaning about the never-ending "bleak economic
prospects", promises, more promises, more promises, what's the
alternative, Sarkozy ?, more promises, more wage freezes, more tax
breaks, more promises, more moaning about the recession, more promises,
more symbolic measures (legalize cannabis, legalize euthanasia, ...)
that will result in heated "debates", more...


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