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Welcome to Swans Commentary  http://www.swans.com/  May 23, 2011

$$$ Many thanks to Perle Deutsch-Shadpour, Helen & Steve Mader, and CG for their generous financial contributions. $$$

Note from the Editors: Hallelujah, here it is, May 22, 2011, and we at Swans woke up alive today, having not been raptured -- we trust our dear readers are still with us as well (if you're out there, send us a Letter to the Editor to confirm...). With this farce behind us (until the next nutcase prediction), we can turn our attention to the matters at hand, with scandals aplenty and two high- profile politicos who are probably wishing they'd been raptured out of their public and private hell -- Arnold Schwarzenegger with his admitted lovechild, and Dominique Strauss-Kahn with his denied sexual assault. The former waited till he left the California governor office to come clean; the latter was charged before beginning his presidential campaign, leaving the 2012 French election landscape in shambles. At a time in which even the mainstream media can't spell "Judgment" Day correctly, who are we to judge? In fact, Gilles d'Aymery offers a different perspective on the crimes of DSK -- not the alleged personal assault, but the wholesale raping of nations he committed as head of the IMF. As always, a perspective you won't read in the MSM, and worthy of deliberation. History will judge America's intervention in the Philippines, and to help set the record straight, Michael Barker continues his analysis of the US meddling in that country's people-power movement. As for the US role in Libya, Aleksandar Jokic asked in an Op-Ed if we are a morally dumb nation, to which a high-ranking European military official took umbrage. The critic declined a public debate, so Jokic answers his charges herein, leaving the detractor unnamed.

Turning our attention to less judgmental matters, Peter Byrne reviews the literary anthology edited by the Sarajevo-born American novelist Aleksandar Hemon, "Best European Fiction 2011," and Isidor Saslav recounts his undeniably memorable recent musical and operatic tour through London, including a concert for his late friend, English bassoonist William Waterhouse. Byrne returns with a conversation that attempts to explain to a schoolboy the shrinking -- and growing -- middle class, while Femi Akomolafe converses about the significance of Osama bin Laden's death. Raju Peddada celebrates a monument of civilization and engineering feat, the F-1 engine that launched man into space, and Bashir Sakhawarz propels us to Delhi with a short story of an Afghan man's brief and jet-lagged layover with his intoxicating lover. Old friend Martin Murie graces our poetry corner with an excerpt of Casino Bear, and Claudine Giovannoni & Guido Monte's multilingual verse take us to the Promised Land. We close with your letters, which judge Gilles d'Aymery as utterly wrong and utterly right about the US economy and its regressive tax system.

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Gilles d'Aymery

 -- Swans

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