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On 5/30/2011 10:36 PM, caroltheart...@aol.com wrote:

I went to a talk by Chris Hedges last week.  I took lots of notes.
I was wondering anyone would like to give an analysis, a Marxist analysis of it.
I like some of what he said, but he calls the Liberals ' a class '.  Maybe you 
can also talk about Liberals, a definition of it.
Don't Liberals sort of give justification to the system. They want to try to 
solve problems within the Capitalist system, reform it.
He doesn't talk in terms of the Capitalist system. Maybe  its because of his 
religious background. He said that he comes out of
the religious left.

Chris Hedges is our version of Dave Dellinger, a religious pacifist who was a key leader of the Vietnam antiwar movement even when he was doing everything he could to turn it into ineffective street theater. I would love to see Chris run for president with Glenn Greenwald (or vice versa), even though neither are socialists. We should only be so lucky.

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