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Whoa, CPUSA is more forgiving to Obama and the Democrats than the main
stream liberals/Democrats are it seems! And they are still pushing the idea
that Obama is somehow being dragged along...


On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

> ==============================**==============================**==========
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==============================**==============================**==========
> It is no doubt true that a Democratic president and Senate prevented a much
> worse outcome than the current deal. Many have criticized the president for
> being too soft and weak in negotiations with the Republicans. I had nearly
> 20 years' experience in the labor movement which proved to me it's hard to
> judge from the outside what is really possible, and what is not, in such
> bargaining. The balance of forces is hard to evaluate if you are not at the
> table. Maybe the president gave too much, maybe this is the best outcome
> possible to avert disaster for now.
> But the point is: We the people are not at the table!
> full: http://peoplesworld.org/debt-**ceiling-disaster-postponed-**
> but-not-for-long/<http://peoplesworld.org/debt-ceiling-disaster-postponed-but-not-for-long/>
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