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On 13.08.2011 23:48, Tristan Sloughter wrote:

I was starting to look around for books on the creation of the Abraham myth
and the religions based on it -- like how the Greek and Canaanite religions
influenced the myths and how the Torah was pieced together by the various
authors. As well as on the Eastern religion creations, since those I know
the least about.

I first ran into Max Weber, who I've never read any works of, and some of
his stuff seems pretty interesting... He has a theory that the non-messianic
religions of the East are what slowed their economic development towards
capitalism. This is part of his argument against historical materialism for
understanding the development of capitalism. Though it seems to me (based on
a couple sentences on wikipedia I've read, haha, so I'm probably completely
wrong) that he is actually giving support to Marx's dialectic by showing the
religions of the East were support for the unique caste system they had,
which slowed the development to capitalism, but I digress.

Anyway... I thought this would be a good list to ask if anyone has
suggestions on works to read and opinions on Max Weber's work on religion.

Karl Kautsky did some interesting things on religion: "Foundations of Christianity" available online at <http://www.marxists.org/archive/kautsky/1908/christ/index.htm> - particularly Book 3 for the origins of the Jews and Judaism.

Another useful source is Paul N. Siegel, "The Meek and the Militant".

Einde O'Callaghan

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